his snap.

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i woke up and him mad mac weren't here.

i was happy

i didn't want to take to some one who tried to kill me

or has like thoughts about it.

kurt texted me a few times but i didn't wanna answer.

i got my self ready and went for a coffee run.

i came back and chilled.

a few days went by and kurt texted me alot.

he never came over.

i really just left him on opened.

life has been easier with out him to be honest.

it was almost back to normal.

i listened to music and finished up my math homework.

it was late when i got a snap from kurt.

he sent me a video.

it was probably another one of his weird tiktoks.

i sighed.

i didn't opened it right away.

i didn't want to.

but then again i did.

i opened his snap.

my jaw dropped agape when i saw the video.

(this part finna be really gross but this is such a kurt thing)

it was a video of him jerking of.

the way he held the camera so i could see his dick and face

i wanted to skip threw it.

but i didnt.

the way he threw his head back and moaned my name.

he made a lot of eye contact with the camera.

he clenched his jaw and moaned aloud as he came al over his stomach and hands.

"fuck" he said under his breath before giving himself few more strokes and ending the video.

i didn't know how to reply.

that was really gross

but it was also kinda hot.

the way my butterflies in my stomach raged.

i bit my lip softly as i slowly crept my hands down my sweats.

i rubbed my self slowly and my mouth made an O shape.

should i send kurt a video back?

i pulled down my sweats and pulled out my phone.

i took a video of me rubbing myself in a slow circular motion.

i let out small gasp as i let one finger enter myself before ending the video.

i hesitantly sent it to kurt.

kurt opened it immediately.

i received another video from him.

it was him jerking off again.

captioned "i wish you were doing this for me"

i didn't really wanna go see kurt.

kurt facetimed mr.

i answered and to be greeted immediately by him rubbing himself off.

i instinctively brought my camera down and fingered (EW) myself as i watched kurt.

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