crazy idea

147 3 19

i made kurt sit in my bathroom counter.

i got a swab of running alcohol.

"ok it's gonna sting but it's the only way to be safe ok?" i said getting it ready.

i rubbed the cloth of alcohol on his face.

he groaned loudly in pain.

"shhh" i said.

i grabbed his hand and he squeezed it tightly.

i rubbed his hand with my thumb.

all done!

i said.

i got some triple antibiotic and gently rubbed it in his face.

it was more soothing and didn't hurt him.

i smiled.

"you so sweet yk that kurt" i said putting all my stuff away.

he sat still on my counter and smiled.

i kissed him softly.

i rubbed my lips afterwards.

i got his gross antibiotic on me.

he smiled and followed me out the bathroom.

i grabbed his arms and faced him.

"guess what i gotta do" he smiled.

i really wasn't happy.

hopefully kurt was picking up on the sarcasm.

he resided his eye brows and hummed as a response.

"i have my math exam now that i'm don with my forensic one" i said.

"oh why are you happy" he says genuinely confused.

"i was being sarcastic" i smiled.

"oh can i stay here?" he asked.

"ofc" i smiled.

i went and sat at my tables

he laid on my bed and played with max.

i turned my tv onto spotify to listen to music.

doesn't take long for me to start to deeply focus on my work.

i hummed softly to the music and wrote down with i needed too.

suddenly i felt a weird since come over me.

i swiveled around in my chair to be greeted by kurt's large eyes.

he was like admiring me.

"kuurt, i can't focus when you do that" i whined throwing my head back.

he smiled "do what?" he says getting up his eyes mesmerizing me.

his bright smile.

"that" i said pointing my pen at him.

his eyes furrowed and looked confused.

but it was a sarcastic facial expression.

he looked down at me.

"ugh i swear if i fail this exam it's all your fault" i sighed turning back toward my computer.

he smiled wider.

"i think that's a risk you'd be willing to take for me right?" he smiled.

his hands wrap around my shoulders.

which only made me blush.

"you know how pretty you are when your face turns that color?" he says swiveling my chair to face him.

he got in his knees to be eye level with me.

he pushed up the handle making my chair move downward so we were really leveled.

he just started in my eyes.

he didn't have anything to say.

he just had a thing for eye contact.

i just wondered what he thought about when he looked at me like that.

it was probably something really cute.


sometimes i thought about what she would look like if she was bleeding out.

or she was in pain.

maybe tied up and scared.

i loved her.

everything i could picture for a perfect girl was the description of her.

i didn't want to hurt her.

but at the same time i wanted to see her hurt.

other times i thought of her facial expression or the sounds she makes when we had sex.

or what she could be into.

maybe she'd be into it if i slit a part of her very slightly.

like with my knife.

but the last part of me just thinks of the cute things i could do with her.

cuddle, go out to the movies, go out on dates etc.

but i think the last part of me just wanted to please her. make her feel good. like eating her out. that was my favorite thing to do.

i loved the way she moaned my name when i do so.

"do you want something to drink? to help you focus" i smiled.

"i'd love an ice coffee" she smiled

he smile was so bright and happy.

a genuine smile.

i got up to go make her what she asked for.

i didn't know what i was doing.

i just tried to follow how she told me to make it.

i came back with the cup and handed it to her.

hopefully it was good.

she drank it and smiled.

obviously that means i did good.


i loved kurt he was so sweet to me.

once i had finished my exam i sent it in.

i side and went and collapsed in the bed next to kurt

"do you think you failed?" he laughed.

"yesss" i groaned.

he cuddled with me as we listened to the music together.

max and cosmo cuddled with us.

yk what would be crazy?

if kurt like purposed to me.

it's to early on tbh

but i couldn't help but think what it would be like.

walking down the isle with my dad.

kurt would be hot in a suit.

even hotter is he did his hair right.

kurt should meet my parents.

"kurt i just had a crazy idea" i smiled sitting up.

lovesick <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora