stress baking🤍

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i cooked something i found on pinterest for kirt and i.

"i could make you like a creamy shrimp alfredo? or do you not like shrimp" i said scrolling in my phone.

"that sounds really good y/n" he smiles.

"alr!" i went over to my apartment to get the things he didn't have.

i got back to his apartment and started to cook for him.

i loved to cook and bake

i started on the sauce as the noddles boiled.

half way through when things started to smell hood kurt and max came over to check out what was going on.

"shit smells good" he says hugging me from behind.

"thank you!!" i smiled.

i was finished with the sauce and had kurt taste it.

"mm yeah that's good." he said giving me a nod of approval.

i added some of the pasta water and added my pasta in.

i was all finished.

i made myself and kurt both plates

"what do you have to drink here?"

"uhh i hit mountain dew, redbull and like water ig" he says grabbing himself a mtn dew

"i'm him and in over to my apartment and get a glass of ____"


i came back over to kurt's apartment and sat down in the couch next to him.

he wrapped his arm around me and i leaned my head in his side.

"this is really good y/n i haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time" he smiled.

"awh youre so sweet ty" i said.

after we were done eating we fed max.

"i should probably get going i need to feed my poor cat" i said gettung up.

"do you want me to do this s
dishes before i go?" i asked.

"no it's fine uh i can handle it. uhm yeah ok i'll see you tmr?" he asked.

"yeah i'll see you tmr kurt." i smiled as i walked out.

once i got back ti my apartment i found my cat.

i fed her and gave her water.

Her and i chilled in my room as i watched a movie.

it was 8pm.

way to early to go to bed.

i'm just gonna bake something.

i pulled out some ingredients to make some cookies.

i made some cookies but i was still energized and awake.

omg i should find a recipe for dog treats

i pulled up pinterest and found cute peanut butter oatmeal cookies for dogs.

i listened to music as i baked these cookies for the puppy.

i ate a couple of the chocolate chip cookies i made.

fucking hell.

no matter how much i bake.

no matter what i do i'm so bored

i decided to make a cheesecake.

they were my favorite and they are time consuming.

it was around 12am when my cake was finished in the fridge.

"should i wait until tmr or go text kurt now?" i said out load talking to my self.

i made a plate of cookies for kirt and thr doug and walked over.

i knocked a couple times.

"oh what's up?" he says opening the door.

the way he played with his hair made me melt.

"i uhh got a bit bored and i made some cookies!! got you and max" i smiled.

"oh thank you y/n uhm do you want to come in? i thought you'd be alseep by now.. don't you have to go back to school tmr?" he asked.

"no the uh collage i'm at lets me do it online which is what i wanted to do for the rest of the year so then i go do my school work at my uh real job" i said.

"when do you go back to work?" he asked waving me inside.

"monday" i said.

"max is uhm asleep in my bed but you welcome to join us and leave the cookies on the counter" he smiles grabbing the plate away from me.

"thanks kurt"

ever since the first night kurt and i cuddled i've not been able to sleep unless i knew he was next to me.

kitt put the plate down taking one of the chocolate cookies.

he smiled and pointed at the cookie.

he didn't wanna talk with his mouth full but i knew he liked it.

i follows him into the bed.

we both carefully layed down so we didn't wake up max

i was so much comfier knowing i was by kurt.

i wrapped my hand and leg sound kurt as he pulled up the blankets.

his room was cold.

he wrapped his arms around me and finally.

i could sleep

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