truth or dare?

176 3 17

i woke up.

kurt had already woken up.

he was outside with max.

i went over to my apartment and got dressed.

i walked outside with kurt and max.

"oh hey y/n" he smiles smiling.

max prances over to me.

i got on my knees as he jumped on me

"oh hello hello" i smiled.

i got up.

"hi kurt" i smiled.

"i gotta go to work today and i have to start my school work" i sighed.

"oh damn" he says looking at max

"yeah i i gotta go" i said rubbing my face.

i really didn't want to.

kurt followed me inside.

i grabbed my bag and laptop.

"i-i'll uh see you later?" he asked

"yeah i'll see you later kurt" i smiled walking out the door.

i walked to work.

it was only a 15 minute walk.

it was good exercise.

i got to the coffee shop.

i got behind the counter and was ready to take peoples orders.

it was a long day.

finally my lunch break came.

i get an hour.

i say does in a stool at did my school work.

fuck this was hard.

i sighed and let my head fall.

i rubbed the back of my head softly.

"oh y/n it's gonna be ok" i similar voice said behind me rubbing my back.

i smiled when i figured out it was kurt.

"kurt you came to visit me" i mocked.

"i was hoping you weren't on break bc frankly a coffee sounds really good rn" he smiles grabbing my thigh

"well hannah is at the counter so you can order from her" i said swiveling my chair to face him.

"yeah well, she's not as pretty as you is she?  and i bet she can't make me a coffee as good as you could" he smiled.

he came in close and whispered in my ear.

"and i'd prefer your spit in my coffee any-"

"KURT i am at work, we need boundaries" i said pushing him off me.

he chuckles softly.

"ok ok i was joking" he said putting his hands up.

"ok kurt ok" i smiled turning back to my lap top

"look at you tryn to be all cute, your laptop your air pods and you in like a cafe how sweet" he smiles rubbing my back.

"kurt this isn't finna i have no idea what to do and i'm like freaking out i fucking hate this professor" i said.

"if i were you i'd have like a 1 on 1 talk or email with him" he says.

"kurt you dropped out of college" i sighed

"yeah well whatever" he scoffs

"i'm gonna make myself a caramel frappe. do you want anything? even like a donut or something to eat" i said gettung off

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