max 🫶🐾

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kurt shook me awake at 7am

"y/n wake up we need to go" he says pulling up his jeans.

i groan "stfu" and roll over.

"fucking hell y/n i told these people i'd be there by 7:15 let's go let's go" he says pulling me out of bed.

"ok ok " i yawn grabbing my phone off the charger.

we pulls me to check out.

we get in the car.

"ok so it's gonna take us like 20 minuets till these people's house" he says setting up the phone for directions.

"cool i really don't car kurt it's 7am" i say yawning.

"you'll care when you see how cute this dogs gonna be also we can stop at starbucks if it'll make you happy" he smiles glancing over at me.

"yk kurt that would make me really happy" i yawned once more.

i slowly dozed off.

"wake up y/n we're here!!" he says unbuckling his seat belt

i followed him drowsily.

kury payed the guy and toke the puppy.

the dog came with a leash and a collar.

almost like he's a toy that comes with extra batteries.

this place was kinda a shit hole.

i'm happy kurt saved him.

if only we could take all the puppies.

kurt and i got in the car.

the puppy sat in my lap

he was excited but


"what are you gonna name him?" i asked

"i dunno im thinking something basic like max" he says

"max is cute" i smiled.

once the puppy calmed down he fell alseep in my lap.

kurt had my startbucks order nailed.

and i've only told him once.

it was kinda cute.

"here's your frappe" he says in a fancy like accent making me giggle.

i drank my drink.

it wasn't helping me stay awake tho.

the puppy and i fell alseep together.

i woke up 5 hours later by the puppy licking my face and yipping.

"damn kurt i'm sorry i fell asleep so long" i said rubbing my eyes.

"no it's ok! atleast you were here. it's all that mattered to me" he smiled.

he was so cute.

"i think max needs to go to the bathroom" i smiled playing with him.

"yeah i agree.. there's a gas station in a mile" he says looking at the exit signs.

"can you hold it max?" i said talkung ti the puppy like a baby.

i fake barked at the dog till he barked back.

"y/n he's gonna like you more then me" he smiled.

"awh bummer.. guess i gotta talks him to home.. do you wanna home homr with me max? huh? do you" i said playing with the dog.

we pulled over in the gas station.

"i'll walk him and here 30$ get us a couple snacks ok?" kurt says getting the dog in the leash.

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