Chapter 22: Broken Minds

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Jeriko finally leaned back from the first lilith to look over at an interested Naryan. Behind the Silver Legion officer stood an equally interested Narcist, Absinthe, and Tanner.

"Okay, I think I have an understanding of the situation," she said, looking from Naryan to the other three vampiresses and back. "The enforced hibernation has skewed almost every endocrine system in her body. Which was the reason Sakura oversaturated Lash with her Compulsion pheromones. She didn't have a full awareness of her body's systems and states and thought she was using a normal amount."

"When in reality, her endocrine system had been active the entire time and her body was storing it outside of her awareness," Narcist said with a nod of understanding. Jeriko pointed at her and nodded.

"Precisely. So we need to do a biochemical rebalancing to purge the extra endocrine activity. Normally I would do a cleanse, adding purge elements to her bloodstream to pick up the extra and pull it out with a filtration. But we've been working on something called 'somatic reconditioning' at the research facility I am employed with. And that entails triggering the body's own ability to recycle and break down unused material along with our native regenerative capability to do all the work inside the body. Instead of running a filtration."

"That'll take care of the endocrine imbalance," Naryan said. "But what about the rest of her? We still need to wake her up."

Again Jeriko nodded.

"The kickstarter worked well with Sakura, so I think we should build from there. The somatic reconditioning should also rebalance neurotransmitters while cleansing toxins from her cerebrospinal fluid. A neurochemically balanced brain will go a long way towards making her feel good when she wakes up."

Naryan smiled at Jeriko then looked at the other three.

"Sounds good to me," she said. Narcist nodded.

"I agree. Let's get started!"

Jeriko quickly produced a list of injectables she would need to trigger the recycle and regeneration cycle. Taking it, Naryan sent the other three vampiresses scrambling in every direction to retrieve them. Seeing the three moving quickly to start looking in various storage locations was enough to capture the attention of everybody that was in the bay and not in a bed. One by one they began moving towards the first bed, interested to see if the somatic conditioning would be as successful as they hoped it would.

While she knew she could work in such a manner even interested observers wouldn't see her in action, Jeriko took the opportunity right after Naryan, Narcist, Absinthe and Tanner were sent on their way to reach down for a tactile transfer. Then an invisible line was running down the lilith's body as she initiated the realignment. At the same time a quick scan of the lilith's brain identified any hot zones and a second realignment of the brain tissue eliminated those.

By the time the four vampiresses had returned with the items on her list, the lilith was ready to be awakened. Still, Jeriko needed to go through the motions to make the process appear legit. Accepting the injectables, she quickly transferred them to the bed's auto-administration system, paying careful attention to their apparent amounts.

A quick cycle through to test the system then she was triggering the bed's ability to inject meds on its own. As the needles entered the skin, she created a miniature portal to drain the meds away at a rate consistent with being injected to make it appear as if they were truly being pushed into the lilith's body.

"Okay, let's see how those are working," the Storm Wolf said as a wave of her hand activated the bed's display function as a holographic image. The display appeared with a shimmer of light, quickly showing the lilith's stabilizing vitals.

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