💛 Wooyoung- AIMERS 💛

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is kinda based on Magic by ATBO

I have liked my good friend Hwang Wooyoing who I've known for a while. He's the first guy I've liked in a really long time and I want to be able to tell him how I feel without my feelings getting in the way too much. Wooyoung and I have known each other for quite a while and we've always been good friends so I don't want to ruin anything. He has been there for me when I've been going through tough times and everything like that. Not all the time but he's still been there for me. I feel like Wooyoung is doing something to me but it's something good of course. I guess that's what you feel when you really like someone but you are holding it in by not telling them. Maybe I'll tell him one day. Wooyoung's friends family have a boat and they are having a party tonight and he's asked if I wanted to come and I agreed to. I've never been to a boat party before but Wooyoung said it's gonna be good. It's for his friend Park Seunghwan's parents wedding anniversary that's why they are having a party. So I'm excited to see what it's gonna be like. He said the boat is quite big and spacious apparently. Excited to see what it's like. Ohhhhh. I have spent ages deciding on what to wear and I have finally decided to wear a dress with leggings and sandals so I think that'll do. It's a nice outfit. It's warm but I don't want to expose my legs too much. I haven't got the confidence to show off my legs just yet. Maybe some more time down the line for that. Wooyoung is picking me up in his dads car. He will be here soon and I'm almost ready now. I think I look okay for the party. I hear a horn honking from outside so I go and get in Wooyoung's car. "Hello" I say. "Hi, Y/ N" he smiles. "How are you?" I ask. "Good I am" Wooyoung said driving off. So we drive off and arrive to the boat party on Seunghwan's parents boat. Looking forward to it

Wooyoung and I arrive at Seunghwan's parents boat soon after. I've not met Seunghwan before. I've heard about him and he seems really nice. We get out of the car and walk to the boat. We can hear music blasting out from the boat. "Here we are" Wooyoung said. "Looks great. It's bigger than I thought" I reply. "It's awesome. Trust me" he said. He takes me onto the boat. "Seunghwan. She's here. My da.... my friend Y/ N" Wooyoung said. "Hi, Y/ N. Nice to meet you. You already know I'm Seunghwan" he said. "Yes nice to meet you too, Seunghwan" I smile as he pulled me in for a hug. People don't usually hug when they first meet you. We help ourselves to food and drink and sit and chat for a while. I haven't seen Seunghwan's parents just yet. They are somewhere. Maybe I will later. I have a plate of food and a drink beside me so all is good. Wooyoung is sat next to me too. Seunghwan is opposite us. "So, mate. Why didn't you introduce me to Y/ N any sooner" Seunghwan said. "I don't know I just didn't. Why'd you ask?" Wooyoung replies. "Don't know. Just asking" he replies. Don't know why Seunghwan was asking that but oh well. Maybe he just wanted to know that. He is a nice guy just like Wooyoung. That is why they are friends. I guess. I got some more food because I was still hungry. "Nice of you to come to the party, Y/ N" Seunghwan said. "Yes I thought I'd come. It's really nice" I say. "Good" he said sitting closer to me. "Your parents are really nice" I say. "Yeah they are. They are good parents" he said. Wooyoung came back and sat down next to me. "You two okay" he said. "Yes we are all good. Don't worry. Just chilling and talking" Seunghwan replies. We carry on talking with Wooyoung by our sides. The boat party on Seunghwan's parents boat was really good. I enjoyed it and had a nice time. I couldn't help but think that Wooyoung was a bit jealous of me and Seunghwan talking. Wooyoung takes me back home when I was ready. He didn't mention anything about that till we pulled up at my place. "Y/ N" he said. "Yes, Wooyoung" I smile. "It was a good night. I enjoyed it. I told you you would like Seunghwan and his parents. They are great. His parents are like my second parents" Wooyoung said. "Yeah they a really nice. It was a great night" I smile. "Alright well I'll let you go now. It's getting late. See you soon" he said. "Okay I'll see you soon Goodnight" I smile. Wooyoung pulls me in for a hug and then I get out of the car and go home. The boat party was really nice today. Want to do something like that again soon

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