2- Where there's a will, there's a way

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Third P.O.V

Avery and Libby had returned home and packed their bags. The two left shortly after and arrived at the airport to find Grayson waiting for them. As promised, Em was already on board. She refused to speak to any of them and would only speak to Grayson or the staff.

Avery was quite mad that her sister refused to talk to her, but she was making no move to talk to Em either. The Hawthorne House surprised Avery and Libby, as they had never even heard of Tobias Hawthorne. Grayson asked the girls for their coats, Libby and Em handed theirs off while Avery kept hers.

Grayson pushed in a wall panel and a coat closet popped out of the wall. As Grayson went to close the closet, some noises were heard from behind the coats. Out stepped a young man who couldn't have been more than 18. 

He turned to Grayson, "Am I late?"

Grayson bluntly replied, "One might suggest you direct that query towards your watch."

The dark- haired boy then asked, "Is Jameson here yet?"

"No." Grayson replied, standing up straighter.

He turned towards the girls and introduced them, "Avery Grambs and her sisters, Libby, and Em." They nodded in turn as Grayson continued, "Ladies, this is my brother Alexander. He's the baby of the family."

Xander, as he called himself, explained the purpose of the coat closet and took Libby off to find a roller coaster. Avery watched the two walk away, and turned to face Em and Grayson. 

"I apologize for Xander," Grayson continued, "He tends not to buy into such antiquated notions as thinking before one speaks and sitting still for more than three consecutive seconds. Even so, he's the best of us, even on his worst days."

Em had spaced out and didn't pay much attention as Avery talked to Grayson about his brothers. The trio ran into Skye Hawthorne, who seemed to love Avery. She payed little mind towards Em, as she supposedly wasn't in the will.

The group made their way into a room full of people, supposedly all waiting for Avery. She was the last person needed for the reading of the will. Avery had mingled off to who knows where, and Em was bored out of her mind. The house was exactly how she remembered, although she didn't doubt there were new additions. 

Avery entered red faced after a young male, presumably Jameson Hawthorne. 

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started." The three lawyers stood in triangle formation. The one who'd spoken shared looked similar to Alisa.The other two—presumably Jones and McNamara—stood to either side. Avery and Libby were confused, why were there four lawyers for one will? "You are here," Mr. Ortega said, "to hear the last will and testament of Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne. Per Mr. Hawthorne's instructions, my colleagues will distribute the letters Tobias has left for you." Men began circling the room as they handed out the letters. One man returned to the lawyer with a letter still in hand. 

The lawyer brushed it off and continued, "You may open these letters when the reading is concluded." He paused, "Mr. Hawthorne stipulated that all of the following individuals must be physically present for the reading of this will: Skye Hawthorne, Zara Hawthorne-Calligaris, Nash Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, Alexander Hawthorne, Ms. Avery Kylie Grambs of New Castle, Connecticut, and Ms. Emma Laycie Clair. Although, it seems Mr.Hawthorne was playing a joke on us, as there is no record of an Emma Laycie Clair."

A voice spoke from across the room, "Oh, I'd be the person you're looking for."

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