22- Hoodies

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I've been having some thoughts lately...

I am soooooooo sorry about the super late update. Things have been hectic with school and spring sports starting.

(3rd P.O.V)

The plane landed and the group all safely returned home. Afterwards, Gray and Jamie proceeded to watch the girls. Alisa had found them in their rooms, giving them instructions on how to properly take care of them.

Grayson's P.O.V

She had woken up on the plane. She's doing better now, she'll be alright. 

Just seeing her unconscious made me terrified.

She could have died. 

Suddenly, she stirred. I bolted to her side and groaned in pain. 

She noticed me, "Gray? What are yo-"

"I love you".

She looked at my quizzically. "What?" She shifted and I helped her sit up in bed. I sat down next to her, cradling her face. She leaned into the touch and I moved. I kissed her, sweet, amazing her. She pulled away for air, and I just stared at her.

'I- I love you too" She said, meekly looking down. I pulled her toward me, and stroked her hair.

"Y'know, I was terrified when I saw you laying there injured. I ran all the way to the hospital to visit you. I'm so glad you're not-" My voice broke.

"Shhh," She whispered, "Let's not talk about it. Although, I think you're more scared than I am. What happened to Ave's?" She leaned back against me and I shifted so we were laying down.

I didn't want to worry her, but I had too. "She has awoken yet. She's still in a coma. But she's here, so maybe tomorrow we can go visit her." She looked down at her lap, sad the Avery wasn't awake.

Her voice squeaked as she spoke, "Wh-What if she doesn't wake up?"

I couldn't fathom that. I don't know why Clair would even fathom that. She seemed to be panicking though.

"What if she doesn't wake? What if it's my fault? I should've protected her. I shouldn't have let her go, I should've gone by myself. I should've checked the plane first. I should've-" She was taking short, labored breaths and trembling.

"Clair?" I questioned, waiting for a response. She only turned her head, continuing her strange breathing pattern.

"Clair, calm down. Avery will be alright" I held her in my arms, waiting for her to calm down. "You did a good job, Avery will be alright. You took the brunt of it, you're more injured than she is" I stroked her hair, her breath becoming steady and even.

"Let me go get you some water" I said, attempting to remove myself.

"Gr-Gray" She trembled, "stay. Please, don't go. Stay with me" She had tears in her eyes and look distraught. I gave her a small smile and climbed into bed with her.

Time skip....

The next morning....

Gray's P.O.V

I woke up later than normal, Clair still curled up in my arms. She was beautiful when she was asleep. And awake. Always.

Even though she was bruised, she was still the most beautiful girl in the room. She shifted, then groaned.

"Make the sun go awayyyyy~" She yawned, burying her head into my shoulder. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"What are you laughing at?" She poked me in the ribs, slowly opening her eyes.

"You being adorable, that's all" I replied, watching her suppress a yawn. I climbed out of bed, shuffling through my closet. 

"Why'd you leave? Now it's cold~" She whined, burying herself into the sheets.

"How about I stay with you for today? I won't go anywhere and we can do whatever you want? Is that a fair deal?" I said, quickly snapping a picture of her. Her replied was muffled by the blankets. When I didn't respond, she lifted her head and looked at me.

"Hoodie" It was the only thing she said. I sighed, reaching toward the back of my closet. I had to keep a few sets of "normal" clothes, as Clair liked to call them. Just in case she wanted to wear them, as she did so long ago. I grabbed my favorite hoodie, the one I had worn to Heights Country Day a year ago.

I changed into my clothes, putting on a loose pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I looked over to see her swimming in my hoodie, with one of my shirts on the bed and the other under her hoodie. She stood up, stumbling on her first step. I caught her in my arms.

"Concussion, remember?" I said, to which she frowned. 

"I want to walk though" She complained, squirming in my arms. I sighed and took her to my bathroom, where her pills were. I set her on the counter and grabbed a dose of her pills, handing them to her with a cup of water. She took them with a look of disgust and I picked her back up after putting the medicine away.

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