15- Being drunk effects my sanity, not my health

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Emma's P.O.V

We stood on opposite sides of the room. I looked toward the door, and he called out to me.

"Do you remember our conversation last night?" He asked, inspecting the floor boards.

I chuckled, "All I know, is I was wasted and ended up passing out in a random hallway after finishing the bottles." I turned toward him, back to the doorway.

He gave a small smile. "You should take more care of yourself. You were wasted and immediately went to school. That's not good for your health." I didn't really care.

"School isn't that dangerous, it's not like I got hurt." I didn't dare to look him in the eyes, afraid that he would know I was lying. I had suddenly found a great amount of interest in the floor.

His voice was concerned, "Clair, is there something that you're hiding from us?"

I scoffed, "Y'all are Hawthornes, how could I hide anything from you?" His smile faltered, slipping into his signature poker face. He sighed, finally leaving the room. 

I dropped into a chair, picking a book from the nearest bookshelf. The title read:

Heartless- Marissa Meyer  (Jest <3)  🥰😍😘

(This is one of my favorite books, I highly recommend)

I finished the book with a love drunk sigh.

I forgot how much I love Jest. He's such a good character!

I looked at the time, 5:12 P.M.

I should go see if anyone made dinner. 

I made my way to the kitchen, leaving behind my book. No one had been in here but Libs, so I decided to make dinner myself. I rounded up a couple maids and asked if they would guard the doors, and present the food themselves. 

Some people might not want to eat it if they know it's made by me. I'll make them some (favorite elaborate dish).

I had carefully prepared all the food, hoping everyone would like it. I even went as far as making dessert, which the waiters would carry out later. I took my place at the table, in between Libs and Ave. The food was served to everyone, and they seemed to enjoy it. 

That's when Libs spoke up, "Are you sure the Chef's made this? Em. this tastes like your work." I gulped, and gave her the look.

"I assure you, this wasn't my doing. I've been studying for the past hour or so." Libby seemed to get it, although Grayson had paused his eating. He politely excused himself from the table, leaving us all behind. 

That was why I didn't say anything.

After everyone had finished, I decided I'd do the dishes. The staff deserves a break too, occasionally. Of course, the Hawthorne House had a dishwasher. But, also, of course, Hawthorne House had a bunch of extravagant dishes and China, which had to be handwashed.

By the time I was completely done, I looked at the clock. 8:19 P.M.

It's not even eight thirty yet, how am I gonna pass the time? I should find Xan.

I went scouring the halls, only for him to find me.

"Em's! I've been looking for you! What are your feelings on robots that sometimes explode?" He questioned, giving me no time to speak. He dragged me toward a room, which  was wide open, just like the ball room. Me and Xan wasted a couple hours trying to perfect our robot. 

He sighed, "Man, this is never gonna work~" 

Finally, I spoke, "How about you go to bed Xan, and think about this in the morning? I'll clean up and then join you."

He agreed, leaving me alone in the room. Instead of going to bed, I worked on Xan's project, completely finishing it. I decided I would leave it there, hoping Xan would see it tomorrow.

Now, I actually should study. I think I have a test tomorrow...

I pulled an all-nighter, studying my work. The next morning, when I headed down for breakfast, Gray looked me over with suspicion. It didn't seem to be about the meal, because he ate it just fine.

Why is he so suspicious? What did I do now?

After breakfast, I headed back to room to grab my backpack. I sighed, sitting on my bed. Then, I remembered how tired I wass, and that I wasn't allowed to fall asleep.

There was a gentle knock on my door.

"Come in," I called, hoping to get the conversation done and over with.

He entered my room, opening his mouth to speak. "...."

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