8- I'm lost, but I hadn't been found in the first place

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Again, y'all know the drill with the thoughts.

Warning: Suicidal thoughts

If you know anyone thinking about suicide, please help them. 

Emma's P.O.V

He said it.


Flashback- 7 years ago (Gray- 12, Em-11)

"Gray", I called, frantically searching for him. I needed to tell him. I rounded the corner only to see him and Emily.

I shyly walked up to them, "Hey, sorry to intrude. Can I talk to you in private, for a second Gray?" Emily glared at me. Grayson sighed, but followed me anyways.

"Emily is with Jamie." I said, being straightforward.

He chuckled, "I'm aware." I gaped at him. How could he be so casual about this.

"Doesn't it feel weird? One of your bestfriends is with Jamie, and I'm his best friend and with you." I laughed, thinking about everything.

"What was the whole point of this?" Gray asked, looking back toward Emily.

"I don't want to be rude, Gray. You're awfully close to Emily. Remember how close me and Jamie were? Then, when we got together, Jamie faded out a little. I just think that Jamie might want the same now that he's with Emily." I spoke calmly, wishing for everything to work out.

"Em, it's none of your business." He spoke harshly.

"Gray, I'm just trying to be helpful, I know-" He interrupted me.

"You know nothing about Emily, or her relationship with anyone. And you're just being a nuisance." He had slightly raised his voice. 

"Gray," I reached out to him, hoping to make him happy. He did something unexpected. I held his face in my hands, and he brought his up. I thought it was a gentle gesture.

Then, he slapped me.

"I hate you."  He turned around to walk away.

"Leave me and Emily alone." And with that, he was gone.

I ran back to me room, collapsing on the floor. I sat in the corner of the room, making sure all entryways were locked. I didn't cry, I just stared into space.

A few hours later...


Who is that? 

Who's voice sounds like that.

"Layc, I'm coming in. You know I can pick the lock."

I heard the jingle of the door.

I was out of there. 

I fled out the secret passageway, making my way to New Castle, Conneticut. I met Avery and stayed with her and Libby.

Present time

I sat down in the corner of my room. 

I couldn't take it.

I locked every single entrance to my room, and shut all the curtains and windows.

It was so dark and cold.

It felt good.

I stared into space, cradling my face.

A week later....

I hadn't left my room. Someone, I'm not sure who, would stop by my room and drop off food. I was living off a piece of toast every single day.

How long has it been?

Have they forgotten about me?


It's the same voice.

"Layc, are you ok?"

Is he my guardian angel?

"Layc, it's been a week. Everyone's worried."

Am I gonna die?

I'd be ok with that.

"Layc, I'm not letting you escape again. I'm coming in."

I heard the doornob.

I want to leave.

I don't have the strength to get up.

I heard the door squeak open.

Something rushed to my side.


Who is this person?

Their hands were on me.

I think.

They were shaking me.


"Layc. Layc, you have to come back to me!"

Who is Layc?

Why is this person so worried?

Suddenly, the figure was gone from my side.

Was that thing even here in the first place?

It came back a few minutes later, others in tow.

"It's happening again."

What's happening?

"Usually, she's responsive to me."

Who is she?

"I shook her, but she hasn't moved. She hasn't acknowledged my presence."

Is this girl ok?

What happened to her?

"Somethings really wrong, if she won't acknowledge you, Jameson."

And now there's another sound.

A few more things crouched in front of me.

I think.

"Emma? Hey, what's wrong?"

"Em's, you gotta come back to us."

And there's two more now.

Who is Emma?

Who is Em's?

What happened to all these people?

"Em, come on. You're my sister. You can tell me what's wrong."

Yet another sound.

 I feel bad for this Em person, she has so many people worried about her.

"See, unresponsive."

My guardian angel.

Someone, who I think is my guardian angel, approached me.

"This might hurt, but it's gonna help you get better. That's all I want. I promise."

So it is my guardian angel.

I noticed what looked like a tube in my angels hand.

Why does my guardian angel have a tube?

The tube got closer to me, and suddenly, something cold sunk into my skin.

I think.

And then, the world was black.

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