27- Killers

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So I could give y'all many reasons for why I haven't updated, but I always feel like my reasons are just excuses, so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

TW: Throwing up, mention of suicide

Jameson's P.O.V

When Layc finished her story, my heart shattered. I felt like I was bleeding inside, bleeding for all the pain she went through that I didn't even know about.

My best friend.

My best friend tried to kill herself.

Multiple times.

My best friend- Oh god

I rushed to Avery's bathroom and threw up.

Even though I'd been drinking for most of my life- I was probably the one who got Layc into drinking for the first place- and had developed a wonderful tolerance against throwing up, her story had me emptying every past weeks meal into Avery's toilet.

Grayson had left first and Xander was sitting on Ave's bed, probably distracting her from Layc's problems. The ceiling felt like it had caved in.

I had to find Layc.

And if Gray wasn't with Layc, or at least looking for her, I would kill him.

Time Skip (Once Gray finds Layc, right before the gunshot)

Everything seemed fine.

She would be fine.

And we would both- together- regulate our drinking. If I got her in the drinking mess, I'd get her out'a it.

Click. Whizzzz...


Someone's shot. Who's shot? Is Layc? Did Layc...

Footsteps. Gray's footsteps. I met his eyes, only filled with concern, not grief or pain. Layc and him were fine. 

I can't believe I thought she'd....

It's a reasonable thought but still... I'm helping her. Gray better help 'er too. That's his girl, if he loses her again I'm beating him.

I silently made my way down the corridors to security. I scanned through the tapes, waiting to find someone or something that had slipped past our first measures.

Gods, we needed new guards.

She could've-

Gray could've-

I almost threw up again.

I was still searching when Gray came down.

"Find anyone for me to kill yet?" Grayson may have sounded calm, but the look in his eyes when I shook my head 'No' was that of a killer. He was enraged.

"I'm still looking brother, y'know she's my best friend and I wouldn't  let anyone- even you- hurt her" Gray could only huff at my statement, he knew I was right.

"We have to find the shooter. She did say she has people after her, I might be able to coax that out'a her later" Gray was pacing, his only nervous tell.

"She's sleeping?" All I got was a long 'hmm' in return.

"Well that means she won't hear this: Gray, if you ever, and I mean ever, you have one last chance, hurt her, I will murder you. Not only will I murder you, I'll murder you, bring you back to life, and murder you again. Then I'll bring you back and she can have some shots at you. You'll never rest peacefully again" I wasn't joking. My best friend had tried to kill herself multiple times- without me knowing- so I knew how fragile her mental state could be, probably would be.

"Don't worry brother," He chuckled along, "I'll do that to myself first if I hurt her. I won't lose her again".

I sighed, "Do you really think we should involve her in this? She has enough unresolved issues already and she wasn't conscious when the shot went off." I was Layc's best friend, I never wanted to keep anything from her. I never did keep anything from her.

But this was different.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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