18- An explanation for a shirt

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I am having a lot of thoughts today...

Warning: Swearing

Grayson's P.O.V

I watched as Clair slowly undressed her bandages. Her skin was discolored, fill with purple and black bruises. 

Her beautiful tan skin, it's tarnished.

I reached my hand out, gently brushing a bruise. She winced, barely silencing an oncoming whimper.

"Just, tell me what happened?" I looked her dead in the eyes, "Please?" She seemed to contemplate it.

"First, answer this." I perked up at her words, "When you said you're taking care of me, does that mean that I have to sleep in the same room as you?" She asked.

Well, that was not what I was expecting. Of course, I probably was going to make her sleep with me.

"Yes, of course. It's not like we haven't slept in the same room before." I was about to ask her if that was fine, when she responded, "Then, I would like to sleep in that shirt of yours. It's warm." I blushed, but nodded my head.

"Now that that's settled," she continued on as though this was nothing, "It happened at school. Thea got to Ave's before I could warn her, and now she and Ave's are tight."

What does Avery have to do with this?

"So, Gray, remember Thea's best friend..." Clair trailed off.

"Clair, you can say Emily's name." It hurt, but I would be fine.

Clair cleared her throat, "Well, Thea blames me for Emily. For trying to dissuade you, and making Emily unhappy. She thinks Emily only pushed your relationship so far because I was trying to stop it, and she was mad. So Thea blames me."

"So fucking fight back." I said the words before I'd even thought of them. I started the tedious process off redressing her wounds, careful not to make her flinch.

Clair scoffed, "Thea is Ave's only friend. So, if I fight back, Thea will abandon Avery. Or, do something worse which I don't want to imagine." Clair shuddered, then winced.

"How long?" I whispered, unaware if she heard me or not.

"Two days." Came the reply, also a whisper.

I reached over her to wrap around her back, when I saw the bags under her eyes.

"Do you have anything else you'd like to say from the past two days?" I asked, hoping she would admit her lack of sleep.

"N-No." She stuttered, and I called out her lie.

"How about the bags under your eyes?" She gave a quiet gasp, her eyes widening.

"W-well, I had school, and helping Xan and everything..." She trailed off, looking at the floor.

I sighed, "This is why I always have to look after you." I said, finishing the rest of her wounds. I returned the supplies to the first aid kit, which I put back in the bathroom.

I came back to find her eyes drooping, as she tried to keep herself awake.

So cute....

I stopped my thoughts,  sliding my shirt back over her head. I scooped her up, and she leaned into me.

"I know, you're probably gonna dump me in my bed and sit next to me in a chair, but that would be weird~" She whined, tucking herself deeper into me.

The unspoken words of, please stay, drifted through the air.

I didn't say a word as I slid back my bed covers, and gently placed her on the bed. She was surprised as I tucked her in, and contently closed her eyes. I went to the bathroom and changed, before cuddling up next to her.

She tucked her cold, wet body to mine, and I rested my head on top of hers.

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