23-Devouring Devotion

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It's been a long time guys. I'm so sorry for the extremely late update. I know I can't really make any excuses as to why I haven't updated, just know my life has been a bit crazy for the past few months.

Grayson's P.O.V

I'm so glad I offered to spend the whole day with her, it was certainly worth it.

So far, we had spent the entire morning cuddling. She was curled into my side, while we watched her favorite show on a tv in my room. She had fallen asleep a few times, whilst I watched her sleep peacefully.

It's nice to have my girl back.

She woke up with a yawn, snuggling into me. I laughed at her before she poked her head up.

"Breakfast?" She asked, before I looked at the time.

"How about lunch?" It was already 12:15, it was lunchtime. She grumbled but slipped out of bed anyway. She took my hand, leaning her weight on me as I pulled her toward the kitchen. 

"What do you want?" 

"Whatever you feel like making" She sat at the table, laying her head down. I had given her some medication this morning and would have to give her some more after I made lunch, but she seemed to be slightly getting better. I made my way into the kitchen, deciding on something simple.

... ... ... ... ...

I brought the food back out to Clair, who was lazily staring off into space and fidgeting with something around her neck. There was a key dangling from it, which I'd never seen before. I walked over to her and set her plate down, sitting next to her and snapping her out of her dream state.

"Where'd you get that necklace?" I asked, having never seen it before. She froze, before I grabbed her hand in mind.

"It was given to me a long time ago," She paused, as if she didn't want to continue, "Hawthorne gave it to me. Right after it started happening. I was too afraid to wear it, I thought they would take it". She didn't bother specifying "it" and "they" because we both knew.

We knew the truth, how her childhood really was.

Her parents, Dr. London Clair and Prof. Patrick Clair were highly regarded for their work. They had riches upon riches, anything one could imagine. They had an image to maintain. That was their reasoning. Clair wasn't perfect enough for them, perfect enough for their reputation. They beat her, tortured her, took away her life, her smile, because they didn't think she was perfect enough. 

Even though she always has been. 

And always will be.

"Well," I ignored the sad parts, knowing she was in no mood to talk about it, "does this key do anything interesting?" She had a slight smile on her face.

"So far, the only thing I know it does is unlock a compartment in Hawthorne's desk. It's where I found my truth, the truth about my family." She stiffened at the end, I didn't react too well the last time this was brought up.

"I love you, no matter what," I said, simply because it was- is- true. Her eyes snapped to mine and I continued.

"I'm sorry. I reacted poorly last time. It was just shocking news and you were a bit drunk, so I didn't know if what you said was real. But I love you, now, always, and forever," I finished my little speech, watching her eyes light up with every word I said.

And then she did the most amazing thing.

She kissed me.

Clair. Was. Kissing. Me.

And I devoured her.

She is mine. Always. And forever.

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