a mystic dreamer (end)

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a mystic dreamer

A spring-charmed blossom that I'm ready to wither with. Things happened that resembles asking for my hand to hold.
As you take me home to stay in touch.
Even though I'm like holding water in you, leaving me with only leftover drips from you. Yet, it felt like a movie I didn't want to end. I rewind it thousand times just to not take a glimpse at how this end and how this goes on. However, I remain as an art maven to someone who hands me a safe pair of hands.

Let's be a dreamer in an illusion of adoration, Floralia Mori.

Will always cherish your warmth,
Sweven Yuan

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- fuseblues, ceases here.

[aottl winks/extras will be uploaded]

thank you for having me and my honeyed couple! writing thirsty garden is a fun frivolity tour for me, I was able to meet lighthearted warm souls, and hand softness through words of flagons adoration. the characters in it erased all the sections stifling the voice of an embracing ink to jot down bland thinking. thank you for keeping up with to climb up the scrambled memos ⭐️🍈

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