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Have you read them?

Sweven, why?

Huh? What do you mean?

I'm not even with you in those times

You are and always be with me.

Thank you for everything.
Thank you for listening to what really happened, wasting and pouring all the patience, time, and endless warmth you have.

Floralia, you can see that those
things didn't go to waste, right?

You asked me what I want last night before I slept in the living room.

What I want is to watch movies. eat cakes even though I didn't really like sweets. work on my big feelings for my art which is filmmaking. Sit on a wooden bench watching how flowers laugh and how nature warms the heart.

And all of that starts when I'm with you.

Call my name, always and I'll look for your mellow tone in swarms of tall trees.
Delivered, 9:33 am

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