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Sweven, the things I believe are unforgiving acts, may I still scribble the rippling events that happened where I left a scarring lump in your life?

it still lingers in my mind how the person who's the only one I hold as my female role model took care of me just to be a bridge of exploited sparks of success in the end.

It's a situation in which I wasn't even able to bend my mellow life of mine because of how I let my beloved turn it stony. So it would be easier for them to wreck it when they already had their pleasure.

I shouldn't let them in the long run. All I kept an eye on is to continuously draw crimson exes of inks in my voyage to come to an end.

Because of letting them take a grip on me. I lost touch with you. For how strong the numerous hands of somebody releases my hand on the person I promise to hold dearly but I went awry endlessly.

I'm sorry, Sweven

For leaving in every beat of our honeyed warm conversations.
Delivered, 10:20 pm.

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