Lazy Bums

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A/N: I wanted to start out by apologizing for any grammar mistakes or if the story's not fantastic. I will try to update once a week until it's completed. This will be somewhat following the Newsies 1992 film. Also I will have some gay ships in here, so lets pretend that being LGBTQ+ wasn't illegal during this time period. There will also be some switches in who's point of view the story follows and between flashbacks and present day. There will also be some swearing. I will try to make those things as clear as possible and give warnings during triggering or gorey scenes. Now that that's all said and done, I hope you enjoy the story!

Present Day: July 1899

Jaime's POV

I woke up at my usual time. Sunrise. Yes I know that's early, but you try being the only girl in a lodge house full of guys.

I carefully got off of the bunk I shared with my brother, Jack. I grabbed my clothes and tiptoed to the bathroom hoping I didn't wake the guys up.

I threw on pants with suspenders and a "white" collared shirt with a black vest. I brushed my teeth and threw on my shoes. I usually deal with my hair and face when the guys are up. You know to keep an eye on them.

I headed outside the bathroom to see Kloppman coming up the stairs. I typically helped him get the guys up.

"Morning Jaime," he whispered.

"Mornin'," I whispered back.

"You know the drill," he said.

I nodded and whistled as loud as I could.

"Get up ya lazy bums," I shouted.

They groaned.

"Boots," Kloppman shouted. He continued to wake up a few of the newsies.

I went over to Race. Who was still sleeping. Lazy ass.

"Race, get your ass up before I's kick it out of bed," I scolded.

"No," he said, rolling over.

"Hey Crutchy can you's help me with that one," I said, pointing at Race.

"Will do," he said.

Crutchy picked up his crutch while hanging on to my shoulder. We started poking him till he woke up.

"Ok. Ok. I's up, I's up," he said.

"Only took ya five minutes," Crutchy said.

"Ugh," he groaned. "You's both are the most annoying people on the planet."

Crutchy and I started laughing as he went to his bunk to get dressed and I went to wake up the other lazy bums.

I noticed Mush was still sleeping, so I went over to his bunk to try and wake him up.

"Mush. Get up," I said.

"No," he replied.

"Blink's shirtless," I said.

"Wait really," he said, getting up.

"No," I laughed.

He threw a pillow at my head.

"Hey," I shouted.

"That's what you get," he laughed.

I playfully punched him and walked over to me and Jack's bunk. Kloppman was trying to get him up, but Jack being Jack, he refused.

"I's got this Kloppman. Jackson Kelly, get outta bed before I's soak ya," I threatened.

"You's soak me and I's will break the spine of the book you're reading," he said, holding up my book.

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