Please Someone Come Rescue Me

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Song: Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you had a great week and if not hope this week is better. This is way late and I apologize. I had a very busy past couple of weeks. Last weeks chapter will be posted tomorrow and this week's chapter will be posted sometime this weekend. Soldier, Poet, King may be brought back for another chapter. So be on the look out. Oh so to clear up any confusion basically when Jaime talks about her past with the Brookies to other newsies she will describe it as a fairy tale that she's been telling and retelling for years.

Spot: Top General/Soldier turned Swordsman King

Jaime: Top Advisor/Poet turned Wise King

Mac: Swordsman King turned Soldier

Figure: Wise King turned Fallen King

Now that this is cleared up, enjoy the next chapter of 8 Days, 8 Letters.

Jaime's POV

I walked into the lodge house. Usually they're waiting for me in the bunks to interrogate me, but this time they were all waiting on the staircase.

Oh lord.

Please tell me it's not about Spot kissing my cheek.

"Uh. Hey guys," I gulped. "Whatcha, whatcha doin'?"

"Hiding'," Race stuttered.

"From what," I asked.

Race points a shaking finger to the door of the bunk room, "from that."

I didn't see a mouse or anything, but then again they never hid from those they just throw it out the window onto unsuspecting victims.

I was still very confused. "What do ya me-?"

I was cute if by a loud tapping sound that seemed to be from something pounding against the wall.

"Scoot," I told Race.

Race moved over putting me between him and Skittery, who was holding Tumblr on his lap covering his ears. I looked around most of them were either covering the younger newsies ears, covering their own ears, banging their head in the wall, or having a break down.

"See what we'd been dealin' with," Skittery whispered yelled.

"Yeah," I replied. "How long has dis been goin' on?"

"Ask Crutchy," Jack peeped, startling me.

"When did you's get here," I asked.

"I's been here," he said.

I looked over to Crutchy who was playing a game of War with Race.

"How long has dis been goin'," I asked.

"7 at da earliest," he said. "It's been goin' since I's got here."

"Ya poor thing," I said. I felt bad for Crutchy. He didn't deserve this. Not even the Delancy's deserve this. Okay maybe they do a little bit but not for 6 hours straight.

I looked around and took a mental attendance of all the newsies.

Race, Crutchy, Skittery, Tumblr, Jack, Snipe, Bumlets, Specs, Pie Eater, Snoddy, Itey, John, Top Hat, Boots, Wheels, Dimer, Flame, Drummer; I count about 11 more. 28 newsies. I count again.

"Where are Blink and Mush," I asked.

They all looked at me with wide eyes.

"Please tell me," I started.

They deterred their gaze to anywhere else, but my face.

I tilted my head back onto the wall. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Tumblr tapping me.

"Heya Tumblr," I smiled. "How are ya?"

"Good," he smiled. "I had a question for you's."

"Oh. What's on your mind," I asked.

"Could you sing the song," he asked. "Ya know's the one about the Soldier, the Poet, and the Kings."

"Yeah. Could ya," Drummer piped.

"Please," the rest of the younger and some of the older newsies begged.

"You's boys have heard it a thousand times," I laughed.

"Well how's 'bout a thousand 'n one times," Race laughed.

"It'll make the time pass," Specs peeped.

"Well alright," I sighed. "Just follow my lead."

There will come a soldier

Who carries a mighty sword

He will tear your city down

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

He will tear your city down

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

There will come a poet

Whose weapon is [her] word

[She] will slay you with [her] tongue

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

[She] will slay you with [her] tongue

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

There will come [two] ruler[s]

Whose brow[s] [are] laid in thorn

Smeared with oil like David's boy[s]

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

Smeared with oil like David's boy[s]

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

[They] will tear your city down, oh lei, oh lai


Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

Laughter filled the room. When you're a newsies, knowing how to make light of any situation is a valued skill.

"Haha Books," Tumblr asked.

"Yeah, Tumblr," I replied.

"What was the first day in the kingdom like for the soldier and the poet," he asked.

"Well," I started, struggling to find out the words to describe it. "Where do I even begin?"

8 Days, 8 Letters; A Spot Conlon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now