Safe Haven

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A/N: Hey everyone sorry this is a week late. I'll post another chapter on Sunday to make up for it. Hope you guys had a great week and if not I hope this week is better. Happy St. Patrick's Day to anyone who celebrated. Anyways I hope you enjoy the next part of 8 Days, 8 Letters.

Present Day: July 1899

Jaime's POV

We ran towards our only other Safe Haven, Medda's. We stopped in the front to catch our breath. I started unlocking the door when Davey stepped in front of Jack

"I'm no running any further," Davey said.

I opened the door, letting them in. Jack walked inside, p!aging with his hair, A nervous habit he has. Snyder has never been kind towards the working kids, but he seemed to go nuclear when it came to the Kelly name. Davey stormed inside and Les hurried in. I closed the door and leaned against the railing, knowing what was most likely about to down. 

"I want some answers," Davey shouted.

"Shh," me and Jack said, trying to not disturb the peace.

Les started looking around the room, while Jack and Davey started bickering like an old married couple. I sat down, pretending to read, not knowing what to do. I had a few questions in my mind, but the main one was; What did Jack do this time? 

"Who is he, why is he chasing you, and what is this Refuge," he yelled, not caring about our shushing.

Jack leaned against the railing. "Refuge is this jail for kids." Da guy chasing me is Snyder. He's da warden," he said.

"You were in jail," Les perked.

"Yeah," Jack said, casually.

"Why," Lee asked curiously.

"Well, I was starvin' so I stole some food," Jack replied.

"Right, food," Davey interrupted annoyed.

"Yeah, food," Jack said, even more annoyed because he knew he didn't steak the food for him. He actually stoke it from me. All these Snyder problems were my fault.

"He called you Sullivan," Davey recalled.

"Yeah, well my name's Kelly. Jack Kelly, ya think I'm lyin," Jack said, pissed off.

"Well you have a way of improving the truth," Davey remarked.

Jack spat, "Yeah." He looked like he was about to fight Davey.

"Why was he chasing you," Davey asked, pulling Les away from whatever he had gotten into.

"Because I escaped," Jack snarkily replied.

"Oh, boy, how," Les asked intrigued.

"Well this big shot," Jack started. "Gave me a ride out in his carriage."

"I bet it was the mayor, right," Davey commented.

"No Teddy Roosevelt, eva heard of him," Jack snapped.

Before they could continue with this extremely "interesting and important" argument, A voice came from behind them.

"What is going on here," they said. "Out, out, out, out."

We knew that voice from anywhere. I stood up and Jack and I went up the stairs and leaned on the railing.

"You'd wouldn't kick us out witdout a kiss goodbye, would ya, Medda," Jack smirked.

"Oh, Kellys," she giggled, pulling us into a hug. "Where ya been kids. Oh I miss seeing you up in the balcony or in your case," pointing to me, "on the stage."

"Hanging on to your every word," Jack smirked, kissing her hand. Such a gentlemen, not.

"So Medda," I started, as we all headed down the stairs, Jack leading her. "This is David and Les."

"Yes, hello," she said.

"And this is the greatest star of the vaudeville stage today," Jack said. Medda blushed a bit, I think Jack reminds her of my father, who made a game out of her reactions to complements.

"Along with my baby sister, of course," he continued. I blushed a bit, A trait certainly inheritance from Medda.

"Miss Medda Larkinson, the Swedish meadowlark," he said.

"Welcome gentlemen," she greeted, in a more thick accent than she usually has.

Davey and Lee tilted their heads to greet her. Now those are proper gentlemen. I hope Jack's taking mental notes of something more important than ingrading Davey until his tiny brain.

"Medda also owns the joint," he continued.

Needs turned to Les and talked real sweetly towards him, "Well what have we here? Oh well are you the cutest little fella that ever was. Oh yes, you are." The feathere on her fan seemed too be tickling his face.

Les seemed enchanted by her. Suddenly, he started coughing and pulled out a pape from his pocket.

"Buy me last pape, lady," Les said in a hoarse voice.

"Oh," Medda laughed amused at his performance. "That is good. Speaking from one professional to another, I'd say you've got a great future." Les smiled at her.

"So is it alright if we stay here a little while," Jack asked. "Just until a little problem outside goes away."

"Oh sure. Sure. Stay as long as you like as long as Jaime plays for the next show," she said. "Toby, give my guests whatever they would like."

"Deal," Jack smiled.

"Hey," I shouted. "Don't I get a say in this."

"Nah," he said shaking his head.

"Well come on," Medda rushed. "The piano ain't gonna play itself is it?"

"I guess not," I smilied. As we walked away I turned towards Jack, "I'm so gonna get you back for this one." He smiled, amused I was being whisked away to my torture.

When we got to the piano on stage, I looked at the vibrant velvet curtain, knowing how many people were probably out there.

"Hey," she said, interrupting my thoughts. "You'll do wonderful, you always do."

I blushed again. "So what are we playing tonight," I asked.

"Lovey Dovey," she replied. Lovely.

I nodded and got all set up. The curtains opened and then it was performance time.

Jack's POV

Toby came around and let us take whatever we wanted from his candy jars. I took a couple pieces for Jaime. We quickly head to behind the curtain to watch the performance.

My lovey-dovey baby,

I boo-hoo-hoo for you.

I used to be your tootsie-wootsie.

Then you said toodle-ee-doo...

I miss the hanky-panky...

Each nighty-night till three...

Come back, my lovey-dovey baby...

And cootchie-coo with me...

Both of them were doing great and Davey and Lee seemed to be in awe of Medda. I couldn't blame 'em, James and I were the same way, so were the rest if the newsies. I made eye contact with Jaime and smiled at her. She smiled back at me, getting lost in the music again.

Our life was ducky wucky,

So goody-good were we.

Come back, my lovey dovey baby,

And cootchie-coo with me.

The audience started cheering for them. I mean they did do a great job. They did a few more songs before closing up for the night. Jaime seemed to be relieved that Medda didn't pull a surprise duet on her again. Davey, Les, and I waited outside the front door and  for Jaime. I pulled out a cigarette and started smoking it. It was probably going to be a long wait.

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