We Changed Like The Seasons

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Song: Seasons by Cadmium and Rival

A/N: Hello everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful week and if not, I hope this week is better. Sorry this is late, I had AP Testing last week, so I didn't really have  time to write. I will still post a new chapter on Friday or Saturday per usual. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful week and don't forget to get something for your maternal figure on Sunday. Good luck on any finals or AP Tests you have this week. This chapter will not have Jaime's POV, but anyways I hope you enjoy this week's chapter of 8 Days, 8 Letters.

Spot's POV

We had been playing another game of poker. It was only Mac, Books, and me left.

"I fold, I said. I had absolutely nothing. I would only have the 2 pairs and Books and Mac probably have better cards the way they've been betting. I put in my last 4 chips already. I just wanted this game to be over.

"All in," Mac said. He must good, he never does that. He pushed all his chips in the middle.

 Books hesitated, probably debating if it was a good idea to match him.

"I'll match," she said, pushing her chips in.

They put down their cards. Mac had a flush with some pretty high cards too. Jaime also had a flush. Well this never happens. After a closer look from several "Brookies" as Books calls us, she won by a card.

"And with that," she started. "I'll take my exit."

"Good riddence ya cheata," Mac laughed, bringing her in for a hug. This was the first time he's smiled this much in quite a while.

"For the last time Mac," I said. "You's can't cheat at poka."

"Yeah you's can," Jaime said. "Just ask Race and Mr. Royal Flush.

She meant Ace. He almost always had a Royal Flush. No one knows how, but he did.

"How 'bout I's walk you's Books, the trolley strike seems to be getting more mad as time goes on," I said. "It ain't safe for you's to go 'round walkin' alone."

"I'll be fine," she retaliated. "Besides if you's walk me home, who'll walk you home."

"I'll be fine. I am 'King of the Newsies' after all," I smirked.

"More like 'King of the idiots'," she laughed.

"Hey," I shouted. "The 'King of the Idiots' as you so called me jus' so happened to give a bunch of Queens scabs a good soak'n."

"Yeah right," she said.

"He ain't gonna let up," Mac said, clearly annoyed. "Just let 'em win jus' dis once."

"Aye. Fine," she groaned. "Come on let's get goin' then. Bye Brookies, see ya in 8 days."

"Bye Books," they shouted. She may not be a 'Brookie' anymore, but she still is to us.

We started walking. The cool July air lightly kissed our faces. We got into many different conversations. Stories about our newsies, the Queens war, a book she was reading, that fight I got in, old memories. The usual conversations. I've never really gone to the 'Hatten lodge house, but I do know how to get there and back to the Brooklyn lodge house. Even though I say nothing has really change between us, the reality is a lot has. Between the accident and her move to 'Hatten we've been able to grow both closer and further apart. I've iced her out before, but she's also warmed me back up.

"Well this is my stop," she said.

We stopped in front of the lodge house.

"Thanks for walking me home," she said. "See ya in 8 days."

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