To Hell I Go

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Song: Dancing with Your Ghost by Sasha Alex Sloan

A/N: Hey everyone. I hope you had a great last couple of weeks and if you didn't i hope this next week is better. Sorry this is over a week late. I was on vacation and we didn't really have reception for me to post or write for that matter. I will post another chapter this weekend, so I stay on schedule. Anyways I hope you enjoy the next chapter of 8 Days, 8 Letters.

Present: July 1899

Jaime's POV

I started walking through Davey's neighborhood. It was nice. Cozy. I've never taken this route before, but I did know that it led to the bridge. I looked around at the tall, dark, brick buildings. They look abandoned and run down on the outside, but I knew that it must have the most memories on the inside. Families dining, husbands and wives dancing, newly weds celebrating, just people being generally happy.

Gosh. How did my life go from an average middle-class girl to a run away to an assistant fugitive to a brookie to the leader of the 'Hatten newsies. A lot of change, especially for it all to happen in 15 years. I can hardly remember my life before all of this.

I do remember some things. I remember Momma's light brown locks and blue eyes. I remember her skin being as white as snow and her heart-shaped face with light freckles dotting her face. The way her face lit up whenever Pappa told a joke. I remember he eccentric yet sweet personality. Her imagination, her ability to make stories come to life, the way she played the piano as Medda would sing that seemed to make time seem to stop. Her ability to make songs in minutes after seeing the most common thing.

I remember Pappa's dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. His slight tan from being in the sun all day and his oval face. His laugh that filled the room. The way he smiled when he talked about things he loved or the way he loved the smell of books, both new and old. The way his calmness complemented Medda and Mamma's eccentricity. The way he could find a solution to anything and make any problem no matter how drastic seem just a little bit better.

The friendship they all had. The happiness we all had. The laughter we all shared. We weren't rich, but it felt like we were. Now I know that we're not. I see it everyday. Every time I wake up, Every time I breath, I'm reminded. But it's okay. I think. One day, Jackie and I will leave our small lives in a big city to have a big life in a small town. We'll have a ranch with horses and dogs. Be in a place where everyone knows everyone. It may take a while, but once we get there I know we'll be okay right? No more being reminded of what happened. No more disrespect. No more wishing I could've done something to stop it all from happening. No more missing them.

Maybe one day, but for now I gotta moving towards Brooklyn.

Hmm-hmm, hmm

Hmm, hmm-hmm, hmm

Yellin' at the sky

Screamin' at the world

Baby, why'd you go away?

I'm still your girl

Holdin' on too tight

Head up in the clouds

Heaven only knows where you are now

I grabbed the bar of the bridge

How do I love, how do I love again?

How do I trust, how do I trust again?

I pushed off the bridge and began to dance around the street, just like we used to do in the living room or the backstage of Medda's before, during, and after her shows. I haven't danced like that since that night.

I stay up all night

Tell myself I'm alright

Baby, you're just harder to see than most

I put the record on

Wait 'til I hear our song

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

I could see Pappa in front of me as I danced. I looked to the side to see Jack dancing with Mamma. Then I stopped for a second realizing that I was going to be late and continued walking like nothing happened.

Never got the chance

To say a last goodbye

I gotta move on

But it hurts to try

How do I love, how do I love again?

How do I trust, how do I trust again?

I saw them again. I danced around the bridge ignoring the fact I was going to be late. Ignoring that they weren't there anymore. I was back to my childhood home. The light green walls in our living room. The record player on our fireplace. Papa dancing with me and Jack dancing with Mamma. The laughter as our favorite song played. The smiles on our faces. The feeling of time stopping. The belief that it would be like this forever.

I stay up all night

Tell myself I'm alright

Baby, you're just harder to see than most

I put the record on

Wait 'til I hear our song

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Then they disappeared and those nights played over and over in my head. Reality set in and I remembered that they were gone. I would never see them again. It would never be the same again. Those feelings, their faces, our home, our family is just memories captured in photographs that are either ripped up, burnt, or collecting dust. All of that is simply in the past.

How do I love, how do I love again?

How do I trust, how do I trust again?

I stay up all night

Tell myself I'm alright

Baby, you're just harder to see than most

I put the record on

Wait 'til I hear our song

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

I continued walking, quickening my pace. Then I saw it. The figure. Something about them seemed so familiar. I had to figure out why. They must of noticed that I saw them and they started running. I ran after them. I will find the answer. One way or another. They're not getting away from me this time.

8 Days, 8 Letters; A Spot Conlon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now