Big Brother Talk

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A/N: As promised here is the makeup chapter for not posting last week. Also this chapter is not going to be in Jaime's POV. Enjoy!

Present: July 1899

Jack's POV

"So you liked that," I said, trying to break the silence.

"Oh I loved that. I love it," Davey said. "It was great. She is beautiful and your sister's extremely talented."

"Yeah she is. She actually wrote some of Medda's songs," I said.

"Really. That's cool," he responded. "Is that how you know Medda?"

"Nah. She's a friend of my fada's," Jaime said, as I climbed up some boxes to sit in a chair. 

"Les, wanna shine my shoes for me?" I asked, turning towards Jaime.

"It's getting late," Davey said checking his pocket watch. "Our parents are gonna be worried. What about yours?"

"No, they're out west looking for a place to live. Like this," I answered, pulling out a pamphlet for Santa Fe. "Like this. See? That's Santa Fe, New Mexico. "

"As soon as they find the right ranch, they're gonna send for us," Jaime said.

"Then Jack'll be a real cowboy," Les perked.

"Yep," I said. Then we heard a crash and started running towards it.

"Come on fellas," Les shouted. "Wait up!"

Jaime slowed down a grabbed his hand so he couldn't run any further.

A bunch of policemen seemed to be running from a bunch of people. The trolley strike.

"Jack, Books," Dave shouted. "Why don't we go back to my place and divvy up? You can meet my folks."

"I can't," Jaime said, "Gotta head ta Brooklyn to see the dumb ass, but Jackie could join ya."

"It's the trolley strike Dave. These couple of dumbasses must notta joined or somethin'," I said.

"Jack let's get outta here," Davey said. "Well my house is just this way."

"Maybe we'll get a good headline tomorrow," I said, turning to walk towards his house. "Look at this. He slept the whole way through it." I picked up Lee and started walking. Les and Davey's house in the direction of the bridge so Jaime walked with us.

I turned my head in Jaime's direction, "What took ya?"

"She was giving me boy talk again," she groaned.

"Oh. Some advice for ya boyfriend," I teased.

"He's not my boyfriend," she shouted. I love messing with my sister.

"Who's not your boyfriend," Les asked.

"Another newsie," Jaime said. "His name's Spot and while he may be one of my closest friends, he's also more annoying than Jack and Race combined and that's saying something."

"That's possible," Davey perked.

"Hey," I shouted, hitting the. both upside the head.

"What just telling the truth unlike you," Davey said.

I death glared him, but decided to get him back later. But I had the perfect opportunity to get back at James.

"We're gonna have the big brother talk," I smirked.

"Oh no," she mumbled. Davey covered Les's ears so he didn't hear anything.

"You see when a little sister and a boy love each other very much," I started.

"Shut it," she threatened.

 "They tend to get a bit frisky," I said. "Which runs the risk of the little sister getting' knocked up and the boy who did it gettin' buried 6 feet under."

"Jack. Stop," she said.

"A big brother and all his friends who are basically the little sister's brothers as well," I said.

"Jack, please," she begged.

"Will go to soak the boy so much, We'll, I mean they'll have to throw the body off the Brooklyn bridge," I finished.

"Jack," she shouted.

"What. Just telling the truth," I laughed.

"It's never gonna happen," she shouted

"We'll see about that," I teased.

"Whatever," she said, walking towards the bridge.

"Use protection," I shouted.

"Can it," she shouted.

"Love ya too," I shouted back.

I heard her groan from about 10 feet away. Music to my ears.

We turned and headed towards a bunch of apartments before heading up the stairs to the Jacob's residence.

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