The Day Everything Changed

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope that you had a great week and if not I hope this week is better. I know I've been on an editing palooza, I was just fixing a couple formatting mistakes and an accidental plot hole. Now that that's all cleared up, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a fantastic week.

7 years ago- July 1892

Jaime's POV

"Jack why are you leaving me. I mean we go everywhere together," I asked.

"I's got to James. I's got myself in trouble and you's can't go to the refuge. I's have to go. I'll be back. Promise," he told me.

He left. While I was there on the bridge wondering if when he'd come back or if he ever would. Jack was a good kid it's just he's gets himself into trouble. Usually for fun but this time we had no choice. He stole a small piece of bread for us to survive and now Snyder was on the hunt for him and as for me Snyder don't care weather I did anything or not. He would put me in the refuge honestly for breathing just because I was his sister. I tried holding back my tears but they came out anyway. Why was my life just so unfair. What did I do to deserve this.

"Hey. Are you ok," a voice called.

I jumped and ended up throwing a book at whoever said that. I looked at where the voice came from. It was a boy. He looked a little bit older and was probably my height maybe a little bit taller.

"I'm so sorry," I told him.

"It's fine," he assured me. "What's yer name?"

"I'm," I started

Dang it. I's couldn't tell him my real name. Hold up didn't jack say our fake name is Kelly.

"Kelly. Jaime Kelly. And you are," I responded

"Conlon. Sean Patrick Conlon, but you's can just call me Patrick," he answered. "So do ya throw books at every boy that comes yer way?"

"Just the ones named Patrick Conlon," I joked.

He laughed.

"I's can tell we's gonna get 'long very well. So you's from round here," he asked

"Kind of," I replied. "I'm from everywhere but I's grew up in 'Hatten."

"I's was born in Brooklyn, but I's had lived in 'Hatten for about a year before I's ran away," he told me.

"So yer on yer own then," I said

"Well you's are too," he said. "Ain't ya?"

"Yeah. Me parents went to Santa Fe, but left me and my brother behind," I lied.

"And yer brother just left ya on yer own," he said.

"Well yeah. But it was for a good reason. See Snyder's after us well more him but I's got dragged along just cause I was his sista," I responded.

"Makes sense but what do we do now," he asked.

"Probably walk across bridge," I laughed.

"Oh yeah. Right," he laughed as his face started to turn pink.

Turned out he was real nice but he definitely wasn't the brightest around. Eventually we walked across the bridge and ran into a kid. He looked around Jack's age.

"Brooklyn territory," one replied.

"Yes I'm aware thank you. Considering that's the bridge and 'Hatten's behind us. This must be Brooklyn," I told him, hoping that he would shove off.

"Got guts kid," he said with a smile that soon turned into a scowl. "Now go."

"Wanna say that again and see how bad I's can soak ya," I threatened.

8 Days, 8 Letters; A Spot Conlon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now