New Kids

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A/N: Hey guys. I hope you've had a wonderful week and if not I hope this week is fantastic for you. Sorry this was really late. I've been extremely busy this week. Also if you see any notifications about this book and there's not a new chapter, its most likely me fixing formatting. Anyways here's the next part of 8 Days, 8 Letters. I hope you have a fantastic week. Enjoy!

Present Day: July 1899

Jaime's POV

Jack and I knocked on the door and called for Weasel to make an appearance. Jack rang the bell a couple times.

"All right, all right. Hold your horses, hold your horses. I'm coming," he said.

He finally opened the blinds.

"What can I do for you Books," he said.

I put down two quarters and a dime, "120 please."

"120 for Books," he said.

Oscar gave them to him and gave me a death glare.

"Thank you Oscar. It seems so exhausting to have to work to make a living," I said and walked off.

I sat down on the stairs looking at the headlines and skimming the articles, while waiting for Crutchy and Race to get their papers so we could head out.

Jack's POV

Jaime sat down after she got her papes. Weasel then looked at me.

"So did ya miss me, Weasel," I said. "Did ya. Did ya miss me?"

"Brilliant Jack," Race said.

"I told you a million times, the name is Weisel. Mr.Weisel to you," he said, pointing a finger at me. "How many?"

I grabbed the newspaper on the desk. "Don't rush me. I'm perusing the merchandise, Mr. Weasel," I said. The boys laughed and Jaime snickered.

"The usual," I said, slamming down two quarters.

"A 100 papes for the wise guy," Weasel ordered. "Next."

I grabbed my papers and joined Jaime.

"Anything good," I asked.

"Just the usual bad headlines," she said. "We got our work cut out for us."

"Honestly, James, they should be hiring you," I said.

Jaime's POV

"Me," I said.

"Yes, you. I mean you don't even make up headlines like I do, you just make them better and they're always 120% true to the article," he said.

"Well, Jack I'm flattered, but I'm just a newsie. I sell the papes, I don't write them," I said.

"You should be," he said.

"In our dreams," I said.

Race was trying to strike a deal with Weasel to "spot him 50 papes." Typical Race. He's in so much debt due to his gambling addiction and the amount of times Weasel has "spotted" him his papes.

"Do you think Race will ever go a day without needing to borrow money," Jack asked.

"Not unless he gives up his gambling addiction," I said.

"Oh we both know he'll never do that," Jack said. "I mean have you seen him play poker."

I nodded. Race beats everyone at poker, not one of us has beaten him, although most of the boys swear that he cheats, but really he's just lucky, at least in poker. As Race always says "the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward." Although I do have to remind him that big risks can also lead to bigger losses, but he never listens to me. He'll never learn. I waited for Race and Crutchy to get their papers so we could go. Race and Crutchy got their papes and some little kid that I've never seen before came over to us.

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