The Impossible Done Twice

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you've all had a wonderful week and if not I hope this week is wonderful. Here's the next part to 8 Days, 8 Letters. Some of it is in Swedish. I do not speak Swedish, so I am using Google translate. I will leave a translation after the dialogue. I apologize if anything is incorrect. I am sorry if next week's chapter is late. My school's musical season is starting and I'm on crew, so that's gonna take up a bunch of my time. Anyways enjoy!

Flashback: July, 1892

Jaime's POV

I locked the door as we sat down on the floor, trying to catch our breath.

"You's got some guts kid," Kid Blink said. "I's mean you's really soaked me good. Yo Brooklyn," he said, turning to Ace and Mac. "How bout some form of an alliance."

Mush seemed to like the idea. "For once I's agree with ya Kid and maybe we can do the same thing, he said.

I'm sorry. Did me nearly murdering Blink and then having to run from the bulls just lead to a 3 way alliance. I mean we just achieved the impossible. Twice. Brooklyn and a part of 'Hatten and the Battery and Harlem.

"Hey Books," Spot said.

"Yeah Spot," I said.

"Where are we," Spot asked

I opened my mouth to reply, but I was interrupted by a voice.

"What are you kids doing in here," a voice called.

"God eftermiddag Ms.Medda," I said. (Good afternoon Ms.Medda)

"Du behöver inte vara så formell Jaime. Bara Medda kommer att göra. Vad gör du här?" she asked. (No need to be so formal Jaime. Just Medda will do. What are you doing here?)

"En liten situation utanför. Är det okej om vi stannar här ett tag? Bara tills det klarnar upp," I replied. (A little situation outside. Is it alright if we stay here for a while? Just until it clears up.)

"Varför, naturligtvis, kära. Allt du behöver. Ibland tar du verkligen efter din bror. Varför presenterar du mig inte för dina vänner." she said. (Why, of course, dear. Anything you need. Sometimes you truly do take after your brother. Now, why don't you introduce me to your friends.)

I pointed to each of them and introduced them. "This is Spot, Ace, Mac, Mush, and Kid Blink." I said. "Boys this is the best and most famous Swedish meadow lark in the city. Medda Larkin. She's a friend of mine and she also owns the joint."

"Or the only Swedish meadow lark in the city. Besides I only pay the rent to this place. Now why don't you kids come see the show. For free of course. You can see me and this girl in action." She pointed to a corridor that lead to a section she used to repeat serve for my family. The boys went and then she turned to me. "Could you please fill in. I know you're not very fond of performing, but I really need you on the piano to help me sing that duet we wrote. No one else can sing it as beautifully as you can."

"I'll do it, but simply because I owe you for allowing us to stay here," I said.

"Åh tack älskling," she said. (Oh thank you sweetheart)

I headed over to the piano. The curtains opened and started to play, while she started to perform. The boys seemed to be in awe of Medda, but Spot seemed to be looking at me.

Medda's POV

She just needed some confidence. She's very talented, but lacks the self esteem. Plus that Spot boy seems to fancy her and I don't believe she'd ever admit it, but I think she does as well. In all my years of knowing her, which is eight years since she's eight years old, I've never seen her face light up like that. Not even with Jack or me... Or her parents.

Spot's POV

So she can speak Swedish, play piano, and sing beautifully. I knew she was wonderful, but now I think I fancy her. It would be nice to have someone else who's bilingual. Maybe she could teach me Swedish and I could teach her Gaelic. God she's looks so beautiful performing and she sounds even more beautiful. Damn. I think I really like this girl.

8 Days, 8 Letters; A Spot Conlon FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant