The Figure

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A/N: Hey everyone. I hope you had a fantastic New Year! Here's the next part of the story. Enjoy!

Present Day: July 1899

Jaime's POV

"Ah dear me. What is that unpleasant aroma," Race joked.

"I's fear the sewers may have backed up in the middle of the night," I laughed.

"Nah too rotten to be the sewers," Boots said.

"It must be," Crutchy said.

"The Delancy Brudas," we laughed.

Oscar grabbed the back of Snipshooter's head.

"In the back ya lousy little shrimp," he said, throwing Snipeshooter onto the ground. I held out my hand to help him off the ground.

"You's ok," I asked.

"Yeah. I's alright," he said.

"Good," I said. "Don't worry me and Jackie will get revenge for ya."

He smiled.

"You's shouldn't call people lousy shrimps Oscar unless you're referrin' to the family resemblance with your Bruda here," Jack said.

"Hey. 5 ta 1, the Kellys skunk 'em. Who bets," Race shouted.

"Na. Bum odds," the boys laughed. Oscar rolled his eyes.

Jack looked at me with his 'I'm gonna cause trouble face'.

"Please say you're not gonna" I whispered.

"Oh yes I am," he whispered back.

"Yeah. That's an insult," Jack said. "And so's this."

Next thing I knew Jack took off with Morris' cap while I hit Oscar in the ribs with Spot's cane, running the other direction.

I ran as fast as I could but I never looked back.

Jack's POV

I looked behind me to see Morris chasing after me. Oscar must have Jaime. Ok. More like Jaime must have Oscar. I kept running and bumped into a boy. Two boys to be exact. The older boy looked kinda cute if I'm being honest.

"What do you think you're doing," he said. Proper English. Must be some rich kid or something.

"Jack, come on," Jaime said, grabbing me.

"Runnin," I said.

Jaime and I split up again after a few seconds.

I noticed Morris was almost right behind me so I took off. I swung around on the sign for some shop and ran off towards the Distribution Center.

Jaime's POV

I kept running. I ran behind buildings and through alleyways. Then I saw a figure take off in another direction. Couldn't have been the Delancys though. I ran off after the figure.

Typically I wouldn't care, but I felt like I knew them even though I never saw their face.

Eventually I ended up at the Distribution Center. I ran behind the building and climbed up the 'ladder'. I slid down the wire and hopped off when the circulation bell started ringing.

"Brilliant performance Kellys, brilliant. Better than yesterday's," Race said.

"Thanks Racer," I said.

"You're too kind to us, Race," Jack said.

The Delancy brothers shoved past the rest of the boys to join their uncle behind the desk.

"We'll play again tomorrow, Books," Oscar said.

"Hey. Hey. Rememba, they the more rational one," Jack said.

"You're too late boys," Race said.

"You're as good as dead, Cowboy," Morris said.

I rolled my eyes at both their dum comments. They weren't worth anymore of my time.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Good thing he didn't catch up to ya,"Blink jokes.

"He wouldn't have tried anything, he learned his lesson after I's gave Oscar a good soak'n unlike you's," I said.

He knew I was talking about that fist fight we got into a few years back.

"Please, you's barely gave me a shiner," he said.

"That's not what I remember," Mush spoke up.

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