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Aurora's POV

I wake up to to stuff being knocked over. I open my swollen eyes and see River rushing around, looking for something.

"Quiet was never your middle name was it Riv" I smile at him. 

River whips his head around towards. "I'm so sorry Aurora, I didn't mean to wake you up" he rushes out.

"Don't worry about it. What are you doing anyway?" I ask, sitting up. 

"I'm running late, I've got to go and pick something up, but I can't find my wallet" he says looking around. 

I smile at the idiot standing in front of me. 

"You mean the wallet that's on the window ledge over there" I say, pointing at it. 

I watch him, as he rushes around to pick it up. He'd forget his head if it wasn't screwed on properly. 

"I'll be back soon, I promise. Nobody else is in, so if you want to go downstairs and make yourself a drink if you want to" he tells me, kissing me on my forehead. 

As quickly as he tells me, is as quick as he is out the door. Whatever he's picking up is important. 

After about 5 minutes of sitting in bed, I decide to get up. If I don't get up, I've got a feeling I won't for the rest of the day and I'll start to feel sorry for myself. 

I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen to make myself a drink. Just as I'm about to finish putting the milk in my drink, I hear the front door open. Knowing River he's forgot something else.

"What did you forget this time?" I call out, turning around.


I drop my mug at the sight of the person in front of me. 

"I forgot you lived here" I glare at him. 

"Please let me explain" he says with hope in his eyes. 

Oh I'll hear you out Kade, but it will never make a difference. 

"So explain" I snarl at him. 

He takes a step towards me and I take a step back. He's already to close to me and I don't like it one single bit. 

He stops and stares at me for what feels like hours before he starts talking. 

"Aurora, the first month into our relationship it was still out of revenge. However, the further I got into it, the more my feelings grew towards you. Trust me, I do hate your brother and I couldn't get to him because there's nothing he cares, I turned to you because I knew I could break you. You're blood related to him and that was enough for me. I wanted him to hurt and you have the same blood running through your veins and I chose you as the next best thing" he tells me. 

I feel myself heating up, he's starting to piss me off.

"My brother hates me. Not to mention I never did anything to you! So your revenge was fucking pointless!" I scream at him. 

He stares at me. "It wasn't pointless to me at first. I wanted revenge and Brianna wanted revenge too" he says.

I take a second to process and make sure what he said was correct. Brianna. He was in on this with his cheating ex girlfriend. 

"Me and Brianna agreed on this. Your brother hurt her by not wanting her for more than one night. When she saw you the night of the party, you rubbed her the wrong way and then her intention was to hurt you. She knew you were related to Tommy and then the beating you gave her was the icing on the cake for her. When I explained to what the situation was with me and Brianna, I meant it at the time when I said we had a bond that I couldn't quite break. You have to believe me though, my motive changed when I started catching feelings for you. The past month has been real, I cut the deal with Brianna off" he tells me. 

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