Chapter Five:

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Still Julian’s POV:

I kissed her and started playing with her nipples. After a couple minutes, her inner walls tightened. I groaned, cumming deep inside her. She collapsed on top of me, exhausted. I wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled against me. I pulled the blankets over us and stroked Mary’s hair.

Mary’s POV:
I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. I was laying on top of Julian, who had his arms wrapped around me. I snuggled against him for a bit before I needed to get up and pee. “Mmmm,” Julian groaned, waking up. “I gotta get up. I need to pee,” I said and he got up, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it?” he asked.

“Noon,” I said after checking the alarm clock on the dresser. I got up and left the room. I found Ray watching tv and drinking coffee. "Hey hun," he said. "Talk later," I said, rushing into the bathroom. After I peed, I flushed and washed my hands. When I left the bathroom, Julian was cooking and the laundry machine was on. 

"I'll let Ricky know to come over later to help clean up the spare room," Julian said, not yet looking up. "What's ya cooking, lover," I said, plopping softly on the couch beside Ray. "Just some eggs and bacon," he said. "I'm actually craving peanut butter sandwiches," I said, grinning at Ray. "God damnit. Fucking cocksucker," Julian said. He turned around with a hand on his hip and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Just joking babe. Though I wouldn't mind some pickle juice with mine," I said. Julian started laughing, going in the fridge for a jar of pickles. "I deserved that," he said, spooning out pickle juice over the eggs he was working on. He finished the eggs and bacon and plated everything. He brought it all to the couch and sat beside me. I took my plate and dug in, savoring the taste of pickles.

Ray's POV:
I watched as Julian added pickle juice to some eggs. I was surprised at how well he was taking Mary’s pregnancy. But seeing the pure love on his face every time he looked her way, I wasn't surprised. He loved her for a long, long time. Mary looked more comfortable than I've ever seen her. When Julian was in prison, she was withdrawn, especially when Cyrus came. Then her having to go home to Lahey. He wasn't always that way though. Booze really fucked him up. 

Julian passed me a plate of food. "Hope these don't have pickle juice," I said, smiling. "Nope," he said and Mary moaned. "This is soo good," she said. Julian kissed her on the cheek before digging in. "We going to check the baby today?" Mary asked. "Yeah, I figured we'd go to the hospital after I finish washing the sheets. Make sure you're ok as well," he said. 

"Ok," Mary said, snuggling into his side. He looped an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry about the sheets. I'll finish them," I said. "Are you sure, Ray?" Julian asked. "Yeah, take care of Mary. And Mary junior," I said.

Mary’s POV:
After we finished eating, I drove Julian to his trailer after he refilled his rum and coke. "Hey man. Did you turn the baby yours?" Ricky asked and I giggled. "Excuse me?" Julian asked. "Well, you fucked. So, then the baby is no longer that fucked in the head Cyrus'. It's yours now," Ricky explained as we walked into the trailer. 

"That's not how it works. DNA is still Cyrus, but as far as I'm concerned, that baby is mine," Jules said and I sat at the kitchen table. "Ooh kay," Ricky said and Bubbles entered the trailer. "Hey guys," he said, giving me a hug before sitting down. "We're going to the hospital to get a check up on both Mary and the baby," Julian said. "Want us to come?" Bubbles asked. "Sure, but if you cause any shit, Ricky, I'll fucking kill you," I said.

"Yes ma'am," Ricky said. "Seriously Ricky. Leave your gun here," Julian said and Ricky put his gun on the table. Julian put it in a cupboard with a lock. "In case Lahey comes snooping," he said. "Good plan," I said. "We should head out," Bubbles said. 

"I gotta piss again," I said and went to use the bathroom. When I was done, we headed out. I pulled into the hospital and Julian went to the receptionist to explain the situation. "Here, fill this out," he said, handing me a clipboard. He sat beside me and put an arm around me while I filled out the papers. When I was done, he brought it back to the receptionist. As soon as he sat down, I was called. 

He took my hand and we followed a woman doctor to a room. Bubbles and Ricky hung back. "Here's a gown. Change and I'll be right back," the woman said, eyeing Julian suspiciously.  When she left, Julian helped me out of my clothes and into the gown. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said and the doctor came in. 

"Up on the bed," she said and I got up. Julian took my hand as the doctor put my feet in stirrups. I sucked in a breath when I felt a cold gloved hand spread my pussy. It wasn’t comfortable. There was no real warning or anything. Julian rubbed his fingers over my knuckles. 

"You're inflamed. Looks like your sphincter is torn. But that's fine. Don't use it in terms of sex. And eat light foods until it's healed. Now I'm going to lift the gown so I can do an ultra sound. This is going to be cold," she said. 

"Do you have a problem with my boyfriend? You keep glaring at him," I said. "I don't support abusive people," she sneered. "I'll have you know that my boyfriend wasn't the one who abused me. Another person did while Jules was in jail," I said, sitting up. "You must have made it easy for him, then," she said. 

"You're done here. Get us the person in charge," Julian ordered, towering over her and the doctor left. Julian slid on the bed beside me and cuddled me. After a while, the nurse came back with the head doctor and we sat up. "What's the problem here?" he asked. "Are your staff always in the habit of accusing people to be abusers and then victim blaming?" Julian asked and the female doctor tried to defend herself. 

"Mary, is it?" the man asked and I nodded. "Yeah," I replied, snuggling into Julian’s arms. "Is this true? Did Doctor Flow say that stuff?" he asked gently. "Yes, please believe me. Jules never hurt me," I said, feeling warm. Julian tightened his grip around me. 

"Hand over your key card. You are fired effective immediately. You have been warned about this in the past," the man said and the woman left. "I'm Dr. Cowl. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I can get you the best specialist we have and no extra expense," he said. "Yes," I said. 

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