Chapter Fourteen

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Still Lucy’s POV:
“I’m gonna go help Bubbles with the monarchs,” Trinity said, running to where Bubbles was. Julian and Mary sat a distance away in the field. Julian gathered Mary in his arms and held her to his chest, rocking back and forth. “Burgers are done,” Ricky said. “Give them a minute. I’ll get them soon,” Bubbles said, rejoining us since the kids were hungry.

“Mind if I get them?” I asked. “Give them fifteen minutes and bring Trinity,” Bubbles said. “Ok, thanks,” I said and I watched the pair in the field. Julian kissed her, running his fingers over her belly. The love they both had was something I never had. Even with Ricky, despite him loving me. The pure love and joy on Julian’s face as he rubbed her belly. It wasn’t even his kids, but he still loved them.

“Mommy, let’s go get them,” Trinity said and I stood up. We approached and Julian put a protective arm around Mary. “Dinner is ready,” Trinity said. “How do you two still have so much attraction after all these years?” I asked, helping them up. “She’s too damn sexy,” Julian replied. “And Julian is fantastic. I couldn’t ask for a better person,” Mary said, beaming and hugging Julian.

“They are also instable,” Ricky said when we were back. “You mean insatiable?” I asked. “Yeah, that. They bang every night,” Ricky said and Mary smacked his arm. “Children present,” she hissed, face bright red. Even Julian’s face was beet red. “Sorry,” he said, sheepishly. “But you’re not denying it,” Bubbles said, grinning widely. “Bubs,” he said.

“Sorry, sorry,” Bubbles said, still grinning. Mary got some food with Julian before sitting in his lap. “Those pickles sold right out,” Ricky said. “I have some already pickling. We’ll do back ordering or whatever it’s called,” Mary said. “I’ll write it all down. You just sit and relax,” Bubbles said. “Thanks Bubs,” Mary said. “Heard you are going to start knitting stuff to sell,” Sara said.

“Yeah, even Ricky is going to help,” Mary replied. “It’s so easy to do. And it’s fun,” Ricky chimed in. “And 100% legal,” Julian said. Mary let out a huge yawn and quickly covered her mouth. “Tired already?” Ricky joked. “Nah, but I will need to use the bathroom,” Mary said and Julian helped her stand up. She went into J-Rocs trailer as Corey and Trevor plopped themselves beside us.

“Heard you were talking about starting up a knitted stuff business. Mary told us we can try it out,” Corey said. “Why don’t you guys pop by tomorrow and you can give it a go,” Julian said. “Sure, man. We’d love that,” Trevor said. It was nice to see them included. Though, I had a feeling it was because of Mary.

Julian’s POV:
“What’s taking Mary so long?” I asked just as she stumbled out of the trailer. She looked exhausted. Ricky rushed forward with Bubbles. She waved them off and walked over to us. “You good?” I asked. “Yup, just this headache. J-Roc already gave me a tylenol,” she replied. “Maybe we head out in an hour?” I asked as she curled in my lap. “Ok,” she said and I kissed the top of her head.

An hour later…
About an hour later, I went to get up to bring Mary home. “She fell asleep about half an hour ago,” Ray said. Ricky lifted her into his arms. She startled awake but he hushed her. She nodded off on his shoulder. I got up with some help from Bubbles. We said bye to everyone before heading to my trailer. The puppies excitedly walking with us. “Ray, wanna join us for a movie?” I asked when we arrived at my trailer.

“Sure,” he said as we went inside. Ricky sat on the couch with Mary. She stirred awake at being jarred a bit. “Sorry Mary,” he said, gently smoothing her hair back. “Is ok. We gonna watch a movie?” she asked. “Yeah, do you got a movie in mind?” I asked. “Halloween?” she asked, curling up in Ricky’s lap.

“Sure, sounds good,” I said and settled beside them as Bubbles helped Ray into my armchair. Bubbles put the movie in and sat on my other side. We watched a couple movies before Ricky passed out. “I’ll give you a lift to your place. Bubs, when Ricky wakes up, tell him he can stay on the couch tonight. You guys can pull it to the bed if you want,” I said, kissing Mary’s forehead. She stirred, opening her eyes. “I’m dropping Ray off. I’ll be back soon,” I said. “Another movie?” she asked. “How about Children of the Corn?” Bubbles asked.

“Bye, Papa,” Mary said and Ray beamed. “Bye sweetie. See ya tomorrow,” he said and we headed out. “She called me Papa,” Ray said happily. “Yeah, that’s a huge step for her,” I said, glancing at him. “I know. Can I tell you something?” he asked. “Sure,” I replied. “I banged Barbara, as you know,” he said.

“Ok, I knew that,” I said. “Mary might be mine,” he said. “Well shit. What are you gonna do?” I asked. “I need to talk to Barb. Maybe we could do a paternity test,” he said. “You worry about Jim,” I said. “Yeah,” he said. “Talk to Barb. She’ll know how to handle Lahey,” I said. “I’ll do that. Just don’t tell Mary,” he said as I pulled into his driveway.

“Ray, she won’t be mad. She’ll understand. And if Lahey does go back on the booze because of it I’ll deal with him personally,” I said. “Thanks man. Mary is lucky you’re in her life. She has never been happier. Never stop being her partner,” he said. “I won’t. I promise,” I said and got out of the car. I helped Ray into his chair and waited until he was inside.

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