Chapter 12

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Earth 2 Liane walks into CCPD and she hears someone say, "Liane

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Earth 2 Liane walks into CCPD and she hears someone say, "Liane." Liane looks to see Barry and Liane says, "Barry, where were you last night?" Barry says, "Oh, my God." Liane says, "My father died yesterday, and you never even came home." Barry says, "I know, I know. I heard. I'm so, so sorry." Liane's confused and says, "You heard? You were there, Barry." Barry says, "I actually was not there. I'm-I'm gonna-- yeah, okay. Okay, look. Come to my lab. Just come to my lab. I'm gonna explain everything, okay? I'm gonna explain it." Barry holds Liane's hand and takes her to his lab where Cisco and Harrison Wells are, and they explain everything to her. Liane looks at her Barry and says, "So, the Barry from yesterday was not you?" Barry says, "No. No, look, I--I know that this is hard to believe, but I mean, it is just like that sci-fi series, "Commander Carl, Space Marshal of the Galaxy," where Carl gets sucked into a black hole and ends up on another planet that he thinks is Earth, but really it's Earth... of another universe." Liane's still trying to comprehend, and Barry continues to say, "Have-- have you guys not s-- oh, it's a seminal episode. You should check it out." Liane says, "So, that's why you weren't wearing your wedding ring yesterday." Barry says, "Well--" Liane cuts Barry off and says, "And that kiss was so--" Barry cuts her off this time and says, "I'm--I'm sorry. He got frisky with you?" Liane says, "I wouldn't call it being frisky, I mean he pushed me away, so that's something." Harry looks at Liane and says, "Okay, moving on. Your husband tells us you've been tracking Zoom." Liane says, "Yeah, I've been trying to. Why?" Cisco says, "We need to find his lair." Harry looks at Cisco and says, "Lair?" Cisco says, "He's a bad guy; I'm calling it a lair." Liane says, "Zoom is looking for you. Why are you going after him?" Harry says, "Zoom has my daughter and our Barry, and we need to rescue them both." Liane says, "Look, I want to find Zoom just as much as anybody, but no one can track him. The only person who would know where he would be hiding is someone that would be a meta that's worked with him." Cisco says, "A meta like Killer Frost?" Liane says, "Yeah, maybe. But Zoom kept her alive yesterday because she always obeys him. There is no way that she's gonna tell you where he is." Cisco says, "I'm not so sure about that. If she loved Deathstorm as much as my Caitlin loved Ronnie, I think she'd be more than upset at Zoom for killing him." Liane says, "Look, finding her is gonna be just as hard as finding Zoom. But if anyone can do it... my husband can." Barry says, "Right, yes. I can, actually. Um, all right." Barry types on his computer with everyone surrounding him and he says, "Okay, well it looks like Patty Spivot was a CSI tech on most of the Killer Frost cases. She's pretty thorough, so..." Cisco sees something and says, "What's that?" Barry says, "Oh, this is Killer Frost's meta-data collected from numerous crime scenes-- DNA trace movements, facial recognition, temperature fluctuations specific to her. My algorithm complies all the data and gives us an approximate location. It works on most metas, except for Zoom, of course. He's too fast-- never leaves a trace." Harry says, "That's good." Barry says, "Okay. Looks like the best bet's the woodlands." Liane pats Barry's shoulder and says, "Best CSI in Central City." Cisco looks at Harry and says, "You know where that is, right?" Harry says, "Yeah." Cisco says, "Let's go." As Harry and Cisco start walking away, Liane says, "Wait, I'm going with you guys. You're gonna need some help." Harry says, "Okay." Barry looks at Liane and says, "Liane, I--" Liane looks at Barry and says, "Barry, Zoom and his followers are the reason that my father is dead. If I can stop him from killing anyone else, I'm gonna try." Barry nods and says, "Okay, then I'm coming too." Harry and Cisco both say, "No." Liane says, "Barry, this is not what you do." Barry says, "I know that. But I also know Joseph didn't like me too much, but he was my father-in-law. If you're going, I am coming with you." Liane nods and Harry says, "All right. You can come, but you stay out of our way." Everyone then leaves the room. Later, everyone's walking in the woods and Cisco says, "You're sure this is the place?" Harry breathes and cold air comes out and he says, "This is definitely the place." Killer Frost appears and says, "You lost? Or just back for more fun?" Everyone has their guns pointed at Killer Frost and Harry says, "We just came here to talk." Killer Frost says, "Oh, really? Do you bring your little toys to every conversation you have? Or do you just want to see me burn again?" Liane says, "Considering you killed my father, the thought has crossed my mind." Harry says, "Tell us-- where does Zoom keep his prisoners?" Killer Frost says, "You really don't know how to use your abilities, do you, breacher?" Cisco says, "It's a work in progress, Elsa. Zoom killed the love of your life. This hurts, even for somebody with a heart as cold as yours." Killer Frost says, "And you think that would make me turn on Zoom?" Cisco says, "Enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Liane rolls her eyes and Cisco continues to say, "What-- don't tell me it doesn't work like that over here." Killer Frost says, "If I tell you, he'll kill me. But if I kill you and take you to him, I bet he'd be pretty pleased with me. Maybe even let me off my leash. So, take a wild guess. What do you think I'm gonna choose?" Liane says, "Move!" Everyone ducks behind a tree and Killer Frost blasts at them and Cisco groans, "That did not go as planned!" Barry says, "Her name starts with Killer. This comes as a shock to you?" Cisco says, "We got to move now!" Harry says, "I will cover you." Liane says, "Okay." Barry says, "No, no, no, hey, that's a horrible idea. Hey, no! Hey, hey, no!" Harry counts down and Harry starts firing at Killer Frost and everyone makes a run for it. Liane hides behind a tree and then points her gun at Killer Frost, but Killer Frost grabs the gun and twists Liane's arm and grabs her neck and pins her to the tree. Cisco points a gun at Killer Frost, and he says, "Stop-- or you'll never make another icicle again." Killer Frost then let's go of Liane and Liane points her gun at Killer Frost and she says, "Where's Zoom's lair?" Harry cocks his gun and says, "Where is it?" Killer Frost says, "If I tell you, he will kill me." Cisco says, "He'll kill you anyway, Caitlin." Killer Frost looks at Cisco and says, "Stop calling me that. It's not my name." Cisco says, "Yes, it is. You just don't want to hear it because it reminds you of someone you used to be. Trust me, I know that person very well." Killer Frost says, "You don't know anything about me." Cisco says, "I know the Caitlin Snow on my Earth. I know that when she loves someone, that person is her world. That person was Ronnie Raymond. And he died too. It devastated her, and I can see it's doing the same to you. Zoom took that. His daughter-- my friend-- he's gonna take them away from us, just like he took Ronnie from you. Caitlin... all you have to do is tell us where he's keeping them. And then you'll never hear from us again, and you can go. Please." Killer Frost says, "Fine. I'll show you where it is. But that's it." As they start walking away, Barry says, "Uh, where are we going?" Killer Frost says, "Ascension Cliffs." Later, they arrive to where Zoom's lair is and it's a cave at the top and Harry says, "Wow, wow, wow." Barry says, "We're going up there?" Killer Frost says, "That's where Zoom's lair is." Harry says, "A place only a speedster could get to." Cisco says, "There are like the Cliffs of Insanity. So, how do we get up there?" Killer Frost says, "I can make you something to climb on, darling." Barry says, "Are you serious? You want us to-- what, just climb to the top of those cliffs-- on ice?" Killer Frost says, "Got any better ideas?" Barry says, "No, ma'am, I'm just, you know, I-- I've got-- you know, I'm wearing wingtips here. They, um, don't have much tread." Liane looks at Barry and says, "Barry. Barry, um, maybe you should stay behind. Yeah?" Barry says, "No--hey, no. I'm not letting you go up there by yourself, especially when you're pregnant." Liane says, "It is okay if you don't want to go-- if you don't want to do this." Barry says, "You are my wife. I'm not leaving your side." Liane nods and softly says, "Okay." Harry says, "Can we go?" Liane says, "Yeah." Barry says, "I'm ready." Killer Frost says, "Let's go before I change my mind."

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