Chapter 99

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Mirror-Liane's with Team Flash in the lounge celebrating the arrival of Wally. Wally makes a lotus flower with his lightning and everyone's amazed. Cecile smiles and says, "A lotus flower." Joe says, "Okay, that is seriously beautiful." Barry says, "Yeah, I'm definitely going to need you to teach me how to do that." Wally says, "The lotus is one of the eight auspicious symbols meaning purity and renunciation, practice which I'm currently being guided through by Bhikkhuni Amala, the Buddhist nun assigned to my Peace Corps camp." Cecile smiles and says, "Wow, purity and renunciation. Guess that means more wine for me." Wally laughs and says, "Just being here celebrating with family, new friends is all the joy I need." Mirror-Liane smiles and says, "Look at you getting your Zen on." Meanwhile with Liane, the mirror changes and Liane sees everyone gathering around Wally. Eva says, "Who is that?" Liane softly smiles and says, "One of my best friends, Wally. He looks so happy. I wish I was there." The mirror changes and Eva says, "I'm sorry. I couldn't hold the window any longer." Liane softly says, "It's okay. It was so good to see them, even if it was just for a second." Eva says, "You miss your family." Liane nods and says, "Yeah, well, I've been trapped in here for weeks and... Losing my sense of time like I'm in some sort of dream. All the while, my family is out there with that-- that thing that isn't me." Eva says, "I hope they don't forget about you as quickly as my Joseph forgot about me. He used to come to my mirror every day and try to figure out a way to get me out." Liane says, "Does he know that you're still in here?" Eva says, "I don't know." Liane softly says, "Barry calls me his lightning rod. He used to say that he could find me anywhere in the universe." Eva says, "Seems like there's nothing he wouldn't do for you. I haven't seen my husband in years. I haven't touched him in 72 months... 312 weeks... 2,190 days. 2,190. 2,190. 2,190." Back with Mirror-Liane, she's pouring a glass of wine into a glass looking into a mirror whispering, "2,190. 2,190." Back with Liane, Liane grabs Eva's arm and says, "Eva, listen to me. Breathe." Back with Mirror-Liane, she repeats the same numbers over and over again, not realizing she's overflowing the glass. Kamilla rushes over and says, "Hey, Liane, everything okay?" Mirror-Liane snaps back to reality and says, "Um, yeah." As Mirror-Liane cleans up the mess she made with the help of Kamilla, Cisco walks in wearing an adventure outfit and he says, "Greetings, Earth Prime-lings!" Kamilla smiles at Cisco and goes over to him and says, "Babe, you're home early!" Kamilla wraps Cisco up in a hug and kisses him. Kamilla says, "Wow, you look--" Cisco cuts her off and says, "I know, right?" Barry smiles and says, "Wow, hey, bud." Cisco says, "Hey." Cisco hugs Barry and Caitlin says, "You're finally back." Cisco says, "I am." Caitlin hugs Cisco and he says, "Well, after a while, all the post-Crisis anomaly hunting starts to catch up with you-- that, and I wanted to wash all the Atlantean fish smell off of these clothes." Cecile says, "Hugs from here." Cisco smiles at the welcome home banner thinking it's for him and he says, "'Welcome home'? You guys shouldn't have." Joe says, "Shame." Then Wally appears and smiles at Cisco and says, "Well, it's good to see you, friend." Cisco says, "Wally West? What? Where have you been?" Wally hugs Cisco and Cisco smiles and says, "Welcome home-- "Welcome home"-- I see. I am crashing your party." Mirror-Liane smiles and says, "You know we're always happy to have you back, Crocodile Dundee. Come on, let me make you a drink." Cisco smiles and says, "Ah, you know me too well." Later, as Cisco and Kamilla leave, Mirror-Liane hears Cecile say, "Hon, I got to go back to the office." Joe says, "What?" Cecile says, "I can't get any work done since Nash moved in across the hall." Mirror-Liane walks over and says, "I can give you a ride. I'm working a late shift at the 'Citizen.'" Cecile says, "Perfect." As Mirror-Liane, Cecile, and Joe walk away, Caitlin says, "Good night, guys." Barry says, "Good night." The next day, Mirror-Liane is in the lounge in her office building with Wally. Wally says, "Barry's acting like nothing is wrong. I shouldn't get frustrated. Amala says, 'Pride is the enemy of peace.'" Mirror-Liane says, "Huh. You know, I don't think Barry will ever have the same relationship with the Speed Force that you do. Not after what happened." Wally says, "What do you mean?" Mirror-Liane says, "Well, I don't know the full story, but last fall, Barry and the Speed Force had an incident." Wally says, "He did not tell me that. Maybe he's trying to work up the nerve?" Mirror-Liane says, "Maybe, but if that disturbance you're sensing is real do you really have time to waste here?" They then hear a camera click and look over to Kamilla to see her with her camera and she says, "Okay, you two are seriously the best-looking best friends in the world." Kamilla shows Wally the photo and Wally says, "The Abhidhamma teaches us to avoid self-infatuation, but I may need you to forward me a copy of that one." Kamilla laughs and Wally looks at Liane and says, "See you later." Mirror-Liane fakes smiles and says, "Mm-hmm." Kamilla looks at Wally and says, "Bye." Wally walks out the room and Kamilla looks at Liane and says, "Pretty cool camera, right? I asked Cisco to pick it up from Quimby Labs in Germany, but he definitely made some modifications." Mirror-Liane says, "You need to delete that photo right now." Kamilla's confused and says, "Why?" Mirror-Liane says, "We shouldn't be taking photos of "Citizen" employees. I mean, if that got online another of Black Hole's assassins like Hoshi could track our moves." Kamilla says, "Right, sorry." Mirror-Liane walks out of the room. Later, Mirror-Liane's in the STAR Labs lounge with Barry as Barry talks about the Speed Force being dead. Barry has tears in his eyes and says, "I held her in my arms. I watched her die all over again. The Speed Force is dead because of me, because of my choices. I just wanted to save everyone. To save you." Mirror-Liane says, "And you did. Barry, none of this is your fault." Barry says, "Now I won't be able to save anyone. What am I supposed to do without my speed?" Mirror-Liane says, "Maybe this is for the best." Barry says, "What?" Mirror-Liane says, "Everything happens for a reason, right? Maybe you weren't supposed to be the Flash forever. I mean, don't you think that after everything the Speed Force has put you through-- all the pain, all the heartache, all the death... Don't you think you deserve a real life? Barry, all the world's problems on your shoulders-- that shouldn't have been your burden to bear." Barry says, "You're serious." Mirror-Liane says, "I am. This could be our chance to have a normal life, to start a family. You deserve to be happy just like everyone else. Don't you want that?" The P.A. system comes on and Cisco says, "Barry, we need you in the pipeline right now. There's something you need to see." Barry walks away. Later, Mirror-Liane goes to Liane's office and finds Kamilla looking at the photo finding out her secret. Kamilla looks at Liane who has the mirror gun in her hands and says, "Liane?" Mirror-Liane says, "Yeah, I'm not Liane." Mirror-Liane points the mirror gun at Kamilla and Kamilla gasps. Mirror-Liane says, "Sorry you had to find out this way." Kamilla says, "Wait-- wait, no--" Kamilla gets cut off by Mirror-Liane shooting the gun at her and she disappears. Mirror-Liane smirks and says, "No one can know my secret." 

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