Chapter 37

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Liane gets a text from H

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Liane gets a text from H.R. to meet in the breach room. Liane walks into the breach room to see a breach open and then she feels a gust of wind and she sees Barry and Cisco. H.R. says, "B.A., someone's coming through." Cisco says, "Could be Gypsy." H.R. says, "Could be, or it could be--" Then Mon-El appears holding Kara in his arms with J'onn Jones behind him. H.R. says, "Supergirl?" Liane looks worriedly at an unconscious Kara, and she says, "Kara. What happened to her?" J'onn says, "We don't know, but whoever did it has come to this world." Later, everyone's in the med bay and Caitlin says, "Her vitals are low. How long has she been like this?" John says, "A few hours." Mon-El says, "Okay, we need to find whoever did this to Kara and punch him repeatedly until he reverses whatever spell he put on her and I get to punch him first." Barry says, "Who are you exactly?" Liane says, "He's name is Mon-El and he's Kara's boyfriend." J'onn looks at Liane and says, "Not anymore, he isn't." Liane looks confused at Mon-El and says, "What did you do to her?" Mon-El says, "Uh..., I lied to her about who I am." Liane shakes her head disapprovingly at Mon-El. Barry says, "So, what happened to her?" J'onn says, "An alien prisoner escaped our custody. He did something to her, put her in some kind of a coma." Mon-El says, "And then he disappeared. We tracked him here and followed." Liane says, "Okay, but why would he come to this Earth?" J'onn says, "Well, we believe... for you." J'onn looks at Barry and Barry's confused and says, "Me? Why?" Mon-El says, "We don't know. But his last words before he disappeared were about finding the fastest man alive." Cisco says, "Okay, well, clearly, we're talking about a breacher here. And if there's one thing I can do, it's find breachers." Everyone walks out the of the med bay and are into the cortex. Barry says, "So, what else can you tell us about this guy?" J'onn says, "Not much. It's like he just materialized out of thin air." Cisco says, "You mean like this clown just did?" Everyone looks at the screen to see a guy in the speed lab. Barry says, "I'm going to go." Barry speeds out the room. Meanwhile with Barry and Kara there trapped in a musical and Barry wakes up from being knocked out and he says, "Where are we?" Kara says, "I don't know." Barry says, "All right, well, I'm sure everybody at STAR Labs is working on getting us out of this." Kara says, "Yeah, I'm glad they brought me to your Earth." Barry says, "Liane, got pretty protective of you when J'onn said that you weren't together with Mon-El." Kara softly smiles and says, "She did?" Barry nods and says, "Yeah." Kara says, "Well, she did make him a promise and he broke it." Barry says, "What was the promise?" Kara says, "Liane promised him that if he ever hurt me, she'd hurt him. And he did, for nine months he lied about who he is. I can't shake it. I thought it was going to be something special like what you have with Liane." Barry says, "That is... off track." Kara says, "What?" Barry says, "I asked her to marry me." Kara smiles and says, "I know. Liane's pretty excited about it, but what's with the long face?" Barry says, "The engagement's off." Kara says, "What happened?" Barry says, "I guess I did it for the wrong reason, and, I mean, I love her, but I was trying to change the future. Then I pushed her away so I could focus on saving her, and it's just a mess now. Everything's so simple when I'm running." Kara says, "Or flying." A voice says, "Shut up! Both of you." Barry and Kara look over at the voice and Barry says, "Stein?" The male says, "Who-- who's Stein?" Barry realizes and says, "Right." A man walks in looking like Joe and he looks at the man that looks like Stein and he says, "This them?" The man says, "Yeah." The man that looks like Joe says, "Do you know who I am?" Barry says, "Not Joe West, I'm guessing." The man says, "Digsy. Digsy Foss. I run this town." Kara says, "So, you're the mayor?" Digsy chuckles and says, "The mayor may have gotten the vote... but I got the power. I got a situation... that you two are gonna help me with." Barry says, "We would love to help you with it." Kara says, "Really love to." Digsy says, "My daughter, Millie... She's missing. Last she was seen; she was heading into Cutter Moran's place." Digsy hands Barry a photo of Millie and she looks exactly like Liane and Barry shows the photo to Kara. Digsy says, "Have you seen her in there?" Barry says, "Millie, did you say?" Digsy says, "Yeah. Why?" Barry clears his throat and says, "We haven't seen her." Kara says, "I haven't seen her." Digsy says, "She's the only good thing that is good and decent... about my life. If anything happened to her, this town will run with blood." The man that looks like Stein says, "Staring with yours." Barry says, "We wouldn't want that, now, right? So, um, how can we help you?" Digsy says, "You two sing for Cutter." Kara says, "We sure do." Barry says "Yes, we do." Digsy says, "You could poke around and see if you can find her. So, are you gonna do this for me?" Kara chuckles and she whispers to Barry, "What do we do?" Barry whispers, "Follow the script." Disgy says, "Hey!" Barry says, "Hey. We're going to find her... Sir." Digsy says, "Good." Later, Barry and Kara are with Pablo, who looks exactly like Cisco, and he takes them where Millie is. Pablo says, "Okay. This is the place. Apartment 4B." Barry says, "This is where we can find Liane?" Kara says, "Millie." Barry says, "Millie, right." Pablo says, "Yeah, she's in there, all right. Now, you two listen to me. Don't you go telling anyone I showed you this." Barry says, "Okay, yeah, we promise." Pablo says, "Word to the wise. You go digging around in this dirt... you might not like what you find." Pablo walks away and Barry says, "Okay." Kara says, "Okay, so remember, she might look like Liane, but she is not Liane." Barry says, "I know. This is gonna be weird." Kara says, "Yeah, tell me about it. I'm glad we haven't seen someone that looks like Mon-El. I'd probably just punch him in the face for the fun of it." They hear a female scream, "Oh, my God!" Barry says, "That's her. Sounds like she's in trouble. Here, stand back, I'm gonna kick the door in." Kara pushes Barry back and says, "You stand back, I'll kick the door in." Barry says, "Well, I didn't mean, like, a gender thing. I just wanted to kick it in--" Kara cuts Barry off and says, "Barry!" Barry says, "All right, together. All right? One, two..." The three of them say, "Three!"

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