Chapter 29

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After Liane spent time away with her family, she's back in Central City and she meets up with Barry at the entrance of STAR Labs, he kisses her lips and says, "Hey

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After Liane spent time away with her family, she's back in Central City and she meets up with Barry at the entrance of STAR Labs, he kisses her lips and says, "Hey." Liane smiles and says, "Hey." Barry says, "How was your time with your family?" Liane smiles and says, "It was great. There were lots of tears. It felt so amazing to see them. I told them everything that happened to me and about my powers, my new life here, you. I felt whole again." Barry smiles and kisses Liane's head and says, "I'm happy you're happy." Barry notices the locket around Liane's neck, and he continues to say, "Is that new?" Liane looks down at her necklace with a smile and says, "Yeah, it's Christmas present from my sisters. Look." Liane opens the locket and it's a picture of her, Liana, Lucy, her dad, Kara, Alex, and J'onn. Barry smiles and says, "It's beautiful gift." Liane smiles and says, "Thanks. I'm also happy to be back here with you and the team. I missed you." Barry smiles and says, "You know, it kind of felt weird not having you here." Liane says, "Well, I'm back now. So, let's go see everyone." Barry laces his fingers with Liane, and they walk into STAR Labs and walk into the cortex to see it decorated with Christmas decorations and Barry says, "Holy winter wonderland." Cisco says, "Took the words right out of my mouth." Liane says, "Well, I guess Earth-19's Christmas is just like ours." H.R. says, "Some traditions are multi-versal." Barry says, "So, um... any more info on Savitar?" Caitlin says, "Nope, all that we know is that he's a speed god and you're the only one who can see him." Barry says, "All right, well, Alchemy is Savitar's high priest, and he gets his power from the stone that he uses to create metas, so I was thinking if we can find out what that thing is, maybe we can figure out how to stop him." Cisco says, "I want to see if I can dig something up." Barry says, "Okay." Cisco over to the computer and Barry looks at Liane and says, "I can't believe this is our second Christmas together as a couple." Liane smiles and says, "Yeah, it's kind of crazy, but I know that we need to handle what's going on." Barry nods and says, "Yeah." Cisco says, "Hey, uh, I got a dissertation here from Oxford University about the myth of an ancient Hindu weapon called the Brahmastra. Legendary artifact with incredible powers, capable of-- wait for it--" Barry cuts Cisco off and says, "Creating metas." Cisco says, "Creating meta-humans." Caitlin says, "Guys, that looks just like Alchemy's stone." Cisco says, "More importantly... look who wrote this paper." Cisco puts it on the screen, and they see it's written by Julian Albert. Barry says, "Julian?" Later, Liane and Caitlin walk into Cisco's workshop and Caitlin says, "Hey, Jay thinks he figured out a way to find the stone. You, okay?" Cisco says, "I don't know. I keep seeing my brother. Everywhere-- here, in the cortex..." Liane says, "Well, this is your first Christmas since Dante died. Maybe your mind's playing tricks on you." Cisco says, "Yeah. Probably. There was this one Christmas, big family affair and Dante and I, you know, we used to fight all the time as kids, but that one Christmas, we didn't fight. We just sat and we talked, and we drank a whole bottle of whiskey, and... that whole night we were laughing. It's... And that one night-- that one night, it was like we felt like brothers." Caitlin says, "The last Christmas before my dad died, it snowed and snowed. He and I just sat inside, watching old movies while the whole world turned white. It was magical." Liane says, "You know, when I was younger, I use to hate Christmas because the last good Christmas I had was with my mom. The Lane family all had smiles on their faces, and we were so happy not realizing, the next day all the smiles on our faces would be gone because my mother left. She left a heartbroken family behind, and Christmas's were never the same. Cisco says, "Are we about to be the Grinches this year?" Liane and Caitlin chuckle. Later, Liane's in the speed lab alone when Barry walks in and says, "Hey." Liane looks up from the computer and says, "Hey." Barry says, "What are you doing here all alone?" Liane says, "Um, I'm just doing some digging on Julian's archeological expedition." Barry says, "What did you find?" Barry sits next to Liane, and she says, "Turns out, a few years ago, four scientists were killed in an excavation in India and Julian was the point person." Barry says, "He didn't mention that." Liane says, "You said that he was obsessed with that stone for years. What if he was covering something up? Or someone?" Barry says, "You think this is about Alchemy?" Liane says, "There's only one way to find out." Barry grabs Liane and he speeds them into the cortex and Barry looks at the team and says, "Julian lied about the Philosopher's Stone. I think he found it back on that archeological dig." Cisco says, "You think he's working Doctor Alchemy?" Joe says, "He's not answering my calls." H.R. and Wally walk in and H.R. says, "Hey, everyone. Gang's all here, what's going on?" Barry says, "I think that Julian is connected to Doctor Alchemy." Cisco says, "Jay, we got a hit. There's energy coming from the top of the Schults building. That's the stone." Barry looks at Jay and says, "Are you ready?" Jay nods and says, "Ready." Barry nods and says, "All right." Wally says, "I'm coming, too." Joe says, "No, you're not." Barry says, "No." Wally looks at Joe and says, "Dad, I'm ready." Wally looks at H.R. and says, "You-- just tell them about how fast I am. Tell them about the training." Joe says, "Training?" H.R. says, "Training? Oh, training. The vocal training. Because we're thinking of going caroling." Barry says, "We're gonna talk about this later." Barry and Jay speed out of the room. Joe says, "We're definitely gonna talk about it." Later, Barry brings Julian to STAR Labs because he's Doctor Alchemy and he locks him up in the pipeline. Julian wakes up and says, "Where am I? What's going on?" Flash says, "Let's just say you're gonna be our guest for a while." Julian says, "You. I always suspected you had your own private facility for holding enemies. You care to explain what I'm doing in it?" Flash says, "I know you're Alchemy, Julian." Julian's confused and says, "What?" Flash says, "Turning innocent people into meta-humans, worshipping this, Savitar?" Julian says, "Sorry, um, I'm still not following. You think that I'm Alchemy? That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Is that a mask? I've never seen that before in my life." Flash says, "I caught you! I caught you wearing this mask." Julian says, "You're trying to set me up. You're framing me, aren't you? The Flash, of all the people, you're setting me up. The hero." Flash says, "You're insane." As Flash walks away, Julian says, "The great hero! I want my phone call, when do I get my phone call?" Flash closes the door and walks out. Moments later, Barry walks into the cortex and looks at his friends and he says, "What do you think about what Julian was saying?" Caitlin says, "I know that every bad guy we've ever had has pretended to be our best friend, while really being and evil, murderous bastard, but..." Cisco says, "I think if he's lying, he sure believes the hell out of his own lie." Barry looks at his girlfriend and says, "Liane?" Liane says, "Hmm?" Barry says, "What about you?" Cisco and Caitlin look at Liane and says, "Honestly?" Barry nods and Liane says, "I believe him." Cisco says, "I'm sorry, what?" Liane says, "Guys, I'm a detective. You guys didn't see the confused look on his face. It looks like to me, that he doesn't know that he's Alchemy." Caitlin says, "You mean like he's sleepwalking?" Liane says, "Yeah." Barry sighs and says, "Alright. Well, what do we think about this box?" Cisco says, "It's creepy. Like, "Indiana Jones" melt your face creepy." Barry says, "Have you guys figured out anything about it yet?" Cisco says, "It's nothing." Barry says, "Mm, it's something." Cisco says, "No, I mean the box is literally nothing. I've run it through every possible test I can think of-- MRI, x-ray, mass spectrometer, the photon shifter. Not a single reading. Nothing. It's like the box doesn't even exist." Later, Liane presses the speaker button to talk to Barry and he says, "Guys, what's going on?" Liane says, "Cisco's workshop. Barry, he opened the box." Liane leaves the cortex and rushes to Cisco's workshop to help Cisco. Liane rushes in and says, "Cisco? Cisco, you have to close the box!" Cisco has tears in his with a smile and says, "I'm gonna save Dante." Liane says, "It's-- that's not Dante, it's Savitar. Please, he's using your memories against you! Cisco, we're running out of time. Please, just hand me the box." Cisco says, "I won't lose him again. I will not lose my brother again!" Liane says, "Cisco, Dante is gone. I'm so sorry, but there is nothing you can do about it. But there are people you can save right now, if you don't close that box, Barry and Wally will die." Cisco turn his head and Liane says, "Cisco, listen to me!" Cisco turn his head and then he closes the box and Liane rubs Cisco's arm. Later, everyone's in the cortex and Liane rubs Barry's back and she says, "Are you sure you're, okay?" Barry says, "I'm still in one piece." Cisco says, "I don't know what happened." Joe says, "So, now that the box is closed, Savitar's, what, gone for good?" Barry says, "I don't know, but we need to find out. Cisco? If we can't use this box, Julian, he may be our only link to Savitar now, right?" Cisco says, "I think we can use both of them. If Liane's right and this thing messes with brainwaves, then I have a plan." Everyone follows Cisco and they go to the speed lab and Cisco hooks the box to a headset and Julian's sitting in a chair and he says, "So, what am I doing here?" Barry says, "Okay, Julian, today when I was fighting Savitar, it-- he and Alchemy, they had the same voice." Julian says, "All right, what does that mean?" Barry says, "I don't think there is an Alchemy, I think it's Savitar speaking through you." Caitlin says, "Savitar clearly possesses someone who rallies worshippers." Cisco says, "But he's like a poltergeist, he needs a medium to manifest himself. You." Julian says, "Right, what does that mean?" Liane says, "We think we figured out a way to sync your brain to the stone." Cisco says, "And it'll allow us to speak directly to Savitar." Julian says, "I thought--" Barry cuts Julian off and says, "If you want to try to be free of this, you need to trust us." Julian scoffs and shakes his head, and he says, "I've never liked you, Allen." Barry says, "Yeah." Julian says, "Having a little seance with your friends now is not gonna help change that fact. You do know that." Barry nods and Julian says, "Fine, I'll try it." Cisco puts the headset on, and he says, "Deep breaths. Okay?" Julian says, "Yeah." Cisco says, "You're gonna count backwards from ten." Julian sighs and says, "Te--" Julian closes his eyes and Cisco snaps his fingers in front of Julian and he says, "That was quick." Iris says, "Okay, so, um, how long till this works?" Caitlin says, "Not really sure, it may take a minute for his brain waves--" Then Julian screams and he looks at Barry and Savitar says, "Hello, Barry. It's been a while." Barry says, "Savitar?" Savitar looks around at everyone and says, "None of you are on your knees. It's a smart move to bow before a deity." Barry says, "You're not God." Savitar says, "To be a god, you just have to make people believer you are." Liane says, "No one believes in you." Savitar looks at Liane and says, "You should, Liane. I hold the power of life and death over all of you." Caitlin says, "How do you know so much about us?" Savitar looks at Caitlin and says, "I know you, Caitlin. Cisco, Joe, Wally, Iris. The fake Wells. I know your fears and I know your weaknesses. I know you better than you know yourselves. I know your destinies. One shall betray you. One shall fall. One will suffer a fate far worse than death. This is the knowledge I have for you. About your everlasting damnation." Barry says, "Who are you?" Savitar says, "I am the future, Flash." Barry says, "What do you want from us?" Savitar says, "Everything! Everything you took from me; I want it back. And I'm gonna take it back. Then, I will destroy you." Barry says, "Then why haven't you already? If you're all-powerful, then why don't you just go ahead and kill us all now, be done with it? Because you can't." Savitar says, "You did this to me. You trapped me in eternity. You're future self-- you did this to me, Barry. And now the age of my revenge rises. My freedom is at hand. You will feel my wrath. The wrath of Savitar!" Barry unplugs the headset and Julian pants and takes the headset off and he says, "Did it work?" As everyone walks back into the cortex, H.R. says, "That was so scary. I mean, that was-- was it not truly frightening, what the voice and the prophesies and the-- oh, it was-- I mean, that a scare-a-thon, wasn't it? I'm gonna have a mint tea and a coffee and a lay down." Liane softly say, "Do you think the things that he said about one of us betraying him and one of us dying could really be true?" Cisco says, "I mean, if it really was future Barry that pissed him off and locked him up somewhere, then maybe he knows what happens to future us." Barry says, "He doesn't. He's never getting out of wherever he's trapped." Joe says, "So, how are we supposed to stop him?" Jay says, "The stone." Barry says, "Jay's right, the stone has been the key to everything. It's-- it's how he controlled Julian; it's how he created more metas." Iris says, "So, we destroy the stone and Savitar is gone for good." Julian says, "It's impossible to destroy. It's been around forever, there's a reason for that." Wally says, "Why don't we just bury it again, put it back in the ground where you found it?" Cisco shakes his head and says, "Mm-mm. 'Jumanji.'" Liane says, "Someone would just find it and we'd be right back where we started." Jay says, "We need to make that box disappear forever. There's only one thing we can do with it. Throw it into the Speed Force." Wally smiles and says, "Wait, you can do that?" Jay says, "Oh, yeah. The Speed Force is eternity itself, an endless void of time and energy." Barry says, "It'd be like trying to find it after it got lost in space." Cisco says, "But that stone is loaded with gravimetric force. I mean, I don't think you could run fast enough to reach the Speed Force and carry that at the same time." Jay says, "He can with my help. We run as fast as we can. You trail behind me, siphon off some of my speed, combine it with your own, and when you have enough, throw that thing deep into the Speed Force." Barry nods and Joe says, "And that would work?" Barry says, "We need to find out." Later, Barry and Jay are running in the pipeline and Iris says, "Jay's moving really fast, this might actually work." Later, Barry walks into the cortex and says, "Hey, guys." Liane walks up to Barry and says, "Hey. Are you okay? You and Jay disappeared, and..." Barry hugs Liane and says, "Naw, I'm okay. I'm just glad to see you." Caitlin says, "So, where's Jay?" Barry pulls away from the hug, but keeps his arm wrapped around Liane's waist protectively and he says, "Jay, uh, decided to go ahead and go back to Earth-3. But he wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas." Joe says, "So, it worked? The stone..." Barry says, "It's gone. It's lost in the Speed Force." Julian says, "Good, good." Cisco says, "I don't know about you guys, but being mind-punked by a sped god that we piss off in the future, it's-- it's enough to kill your Christmas spirit." H.R. says, "Guys, Christmastime is here. We need a little Christmas. Right this very minute. Who's with me? BA." Barry says, "Well, he's right. It's Christmas, we should be together. Let's have it." H.R. looks at Joe and says, "Joe." Joe says, "I'm still in if everybody else is." H.R. smiles and says, "Yes!" Caitlin says, "Okay, we'll be there." H.R. cheers, "Yeah!" Then Julian starts walking away and H.R. says, "Where's he going?" Caitlin goes after Julian.

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