Chapter 114

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Liane's at STAR Labs and she walks into the new workshop with all of Chester's stuff in it

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Liane's at STAR Labs and she walks into the new workshop with all of Chester's stuff in it. Liane says, "Wow! This is new." Chester says, "Uh, frak. Was I supposed to ask before I changed everything? 'Cause, look, I kept the pinball machine." Liane says, "No, you're fine. It's just I've never seen this room without all of Cisco's stuff in it." Chester says, "Which I totally understand. I'll tell you what. It ain't no thang. I can take all my junk back to my garage. I can bring everything--" Liane cuts him off and says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down Chester, okay? I just said it's different. That's not necessarily a bad thing. And look STAR Labs is your lab, and we want you to feel at home here too." Chester sighs with a smile and says, "Thank you for saying that... 'cause it took a very long time to set up these stealth audio speakers." Chester claps his hands and the song "The Big Bang Theory" by Parliament is playing. Chester starts getting down and Liane smiles and says, "Wow!" Chester smiles at Liane and says, "Come on, girl get your groove on." Liane chuckles and says, "Okay." Liane and Chester dance in the workshop when Chester says, "You know what I think we need?" Liane smiles and says, "What?" Chester says, "I think we need some more bass up in here!" Chester claps and the speaker starts frizzing out. Chester says, "I said I think we-- just one sec, just--" Chester walks over to another speaker and says, "I said I think we need some more bass up in here." Chester claps his hands, and the speakers start sparking. Chester says, "Oh! Uh... not to worry. We have a replacement cable just like this one in the Starchives. Aisle B, Shelf 52." Liane smiles impressed and says, "Wow, you're inventorying the Starchives as well. Cisco really did leave us in good hands." Chester smiles and says, "Well, I learned from the best. Now, I'm go and fix this." Liane nods and says, "Okay." Chester nods and walks away. Later, Liane's in the med bay with the team because Barry's unconscious. Cecile says, "I don't know what happened. One second he was helping me with a case, and the next, he just passed out." Caitlin says, "Barry's brainwaves are oscillating at 0.5 hertz, which is typical of a coma patient. Look, what the EEG picked up. It appears to be some sort of psychic neurofeedback signal. I think that's what's causing this brain activity. But I've never seen anything like it. If Barry's brain activity stays like this, he could be comatose for the rest of his life." Liane widens her eyes and says, "What? We need to figure out who did this and fast." Cecile says, "Okay. And how do we do that?" Chester says, "Well, this may be a long shot, but..." Chester looks at Cecile and Cecile says, "What? Me?" Chester nods. Cecile says, "Oh. Yeah, I would love to try, but guys, I'm just an empath." Chester says, "Cecile, if you use your powers on Barry's brain, you'll be able to sense if there's someone else's emotions that are active within his mind." Liane says, "Chester's right. It could work." Cecile says, "Okay, I'll give it a shot." Cecile walks over to Barry and sighs, concentrating. Cecile says, "Barry's emotions, I can't sense them. But I can feel something else. Something... cold. Like madness. I can see something now. I can see something. It's-- it's like a light in the middle of all of that darkness. It's shining. Glowing gold? Like a golden mask?" Chester says, "Sweet Ira Cooper. Folks, I think I know who did this." Later, everyone moves into the workshop and Chester gets out Cisco's Who's Who binder and flips through it. Chester says, "So, Cecile, the mask that you saw, did it look like this?" Chester holds up a picture and Cecile nods and says, "Mm-hmm." Chester smiles and says, "Psycho Pirate. I knew it." Caitlin says, "Roger Hayden? He was a patient at Arkham Asylum who we fought. He claimed that he got psychic powers from a mask he stole from the Khandaqi Embassy. But no one believed him because he was certifiably insane." Cecile says, "But I-I don't get it. Why would Hayden go after the Flash?" Liane's on her phone and says, "He didn't. He's at Arkham, but the mask isn't. It says here that after the breakout, Arkham returned the mask to the embassy but then they donated it to the Central City Museum. It's going on display tomorrow as a part of an exhibition." Chester says, "Okay, they have no idea just how dangerous this thing really is." Chester sits down at the computers and says, "According to legends, the warrior Gilgamesh used a gold mask to imprison a powerful demon, or what we might consider today as an ancient psychic meta-human. But with the centuries, the mask has popped up all over the word: the Yoruba Tribe in Africa, 17-th century pirates, all the way up to Hayden. Now, the story goes, if you wear the mask, it doesn't just give you powers. It feeds off of your mind, leaving you insane and leaving the mask in search of a new wearer." Caitlin says, "A psychic parasite moving from host to host, and now it found a brain that's capable of speed thinking." Liane says, "So, it's the mask that's attacking Barry." Cecile says, "But Barry's not wearing the mask." Caitlin says, "No. The neurofeedback signal must be the mask trying to start feeding. And now that it's touched something, it'll just keep feeding and feeding until it gets rid of all the brainwaves." Chester says, "What about the cerebral inhibitor that you guys used on DeVoe?" Liane says, "That would stop the signal and get Barry's brain functioning again. But we need the mask here to do that." Cecile sighs and says, "It's too bad you can't just grab the mask from the museum, huh?" Chester snaps his fingers and says, "Why can't we?" Later, Liane's in the STAR Labs van with Chester while Sue and Cecile sneak into the museum. Liane says, "Okay, it looks like security just switched shifts." Chester says, "Ilsa Faust, you are good to go." Sue says, "I'm in." Chester says, "How's it looking?" Sue says, "Well, I'll know in a second." Chester says, "Whoa, those are some serious lasers." Sue says, "Oh, this is nothing. You should see what Ralph and I faced in Tunisia. Lasers are clear." Sue skillfully jumps through the lasers and Liane smiles impressed at Sue and says, "You learned that in Tunisia?" Sue says, "No. DeMatteis Academy of Dance. She's good to go." Cecile makes her way inside. Cecile says, "I remember why I hate rock climbing." Sue says, "You're doing great. Let's find that security guard and get in there." Sue says, "Vault secured." Liane says, "Okay. Be very careful. Until we get that mask secure in STAR Labs, consider it dangerous." Caitlin's back at STAR Labs with Barry and she says, "Guys, we have a serious problem. I was reading two brain signals, Barry and the mask, but now there's a third." Chester says, "But how's that possible? The mask is already feeding off of Barry." Liane says, "Must be targeting someone else." Liane thinks back to when Cecile said, "There's something I've been trying to dig up. For a case. It's too bad you can't just grab the mask from the museum, huh?" Liane says, "Oh, my God. Sue, that's not Cecile. You need to get out of there now." Liane and Chester wince when they hear a voice say, "Since time began, many have tried to stop me. All have failed." Liane says, "Cecile, this isn't you." Chester says, "Let our friends go, or we'll make you." The voice says, "Such hubris. And from the boy who delivered everything I needed. How amusing. Now my host shall serve me. For eternity." Later, everyone's in the med lab as Sue wakes up and says, "I'm up. I feel great. I feel amazing." Caitlin says, "No, no, no, no, no. You're not going anywhere. Not for a little while." Sue says, "Okay, fine. Since when does Cecile have that kind of power?" Liane says, "She doesn't. It was the mask. That was the voice inside of our heads. She was possessed just like Hayden and all the others before him." Sue says, "Okay. When did all this happen?" Caitlin says, "During the Force Storm, we thought Cecile was hit by the Sage Force lighting. But it must have been the psychic spirit of the mask that used that as a cover to take over her mind. Now, they're both missing. We have no idea where they are." Chester says, "Or what they're up to." Liane says, "We have to find her. That mask is the only link to helping Barry and figuring out what happened to the real Cecile." Chester says, "The legend says that the mask gives the wielder enhanced psychic powers. So, maybe if we track her neurological signals?" Sue says, "And how about we let someone else come up with a plan for change?" Liane says, "Sue, Chester was just trying to help." Sue says, "Yeah, so was I when I told him that this job seemed too easy. But he brushed me off and I shot a tranq into my own neck." Chester says, "She's right. This is on me." Liane places her hand on Chester's arm and says, "Chester, that thing tricked all of us." Chester says, "But you heard what it said. It put Barry in a coma, just like Grodd did, to play me and zing my insecurities as the new guy. It knew I'd pick Psychic Pirate out of that binder and call Sue to help us break into that museum. All to make me think I had this all figured out. Really, I didn't know jack." Chester walks away. Liane sighs. Later, Liane walks into Chester's workshop and says, "Hey, what you working on?" Chester says, "Uh, I need more neruo-fiber to fix the memory machine, so we can use it like we did against Grodd, but we don't have enough supplies here. So, I got to go back to my garage. Shouldn't be here anyway." Chester walks away and Liane says, "Wait, Chester. Yes, you should, Chester. I mean, this is-- it's your lab." Chester stops and says, "No, Liane. It's not." Liane says, "What?" Chester says, "Look, I didn't come to STAR Labs to replace Cisco. I came here to work with him. And I want to do a good job more than anything. But when I saw Barry in trouble today, Liane, I didn't even know where to start. I thought to myself, you know, what would Cisco do? Decided I'm gonna act confident and brave. Act like I had it all figured out." Chester scoffs. Liane says, "Chester, confidence isn't what made Cisco Cisco." Chester says, "I know. What made Cisco Cisco was the connections and the love that he had for you all. Don't you get it? I don't have those bonds, Liane. I barely know you guys. And I can't help with thinking that if I just knew Team Flash a little bit better that I would have been able to figure out that, that wasn't the real Cecile. And then this entire thing just would--" Liane cuts him off and says, "Okay. Okay. Chester, Cisco didn't form these bonds overnight. It took time. It took patience. And we all have your back. Just like we know that you've got ours." Chester softly smiles and says, "Thanks. And look, Liane, I promise, okay? From today on, I'm really going to up my game, and I'm going to, like--" Chester cuts himself off and he says, "I think I know where Psycho-Cecile is going. Back at the museum, the mask said it wanted Cecile to be its host for eternity. But the legend says that once the mask feeds on the host's mind, it moves on to another." Liane says, "So, if Cecile is an empath, then maybe that makes her a stronger host." Chester says, "But not strong enough. She would need something to amplify her mental abilities. To create a permanent food source." Liane says, "You mean something like Devoe's chair?" Chester nods and says, "Yeah." Moments later, Caitlin patches through the speaker and says, "Barry's about to experience complete brain death. Please tell me we have a plan." Liane says, "We think the mask is trying to use the Thinker's chair to create a permanent bond with Cecile." Chester says, "Oh, frak! She's already there." Liane says, "How the hell are we going to stop this thing?" Chester says, "Okay, this is going to sound crazy..." Liane says, "Crazy works sometimes." Chester says, "It's just-- I don't know if it's the best idea." Liane says, "Look, Chester, if you believe that it will work, then I do too." Chester says, "Okay." Later, Liane's suited up as Electra going to the basement. The Mask says, "Who dares avoid my gaze?" Electra appears with her glowing hands and says, "I do." Electra uses her powers to destroy the chair. Then the Mask puts the forcefield up and the Mask sends a blast towards Electra, but Electra puts up a forcefield and the blast bounces off heading towards the Mask, but it bounces off heading back towards Electra and Electra absorbs the power. The Mask says, "I can sense the faith you have in yourself. It's the faith of a fool!" Then Chester comes out with a sword and slices at the chair disabling it. The chair causes an electro blast, but Electra absorbs the blast. Electra and Chester walk over to Cecile and Chester takes off the mask. Chester stands behind Electra and Cecile gasps, "No, don't shoot. Don't shoot. It's me, it's me, it's me." Electra's hands stop glowing. Later, everyone's in the cortex. Sue says, "So, what happens with that crazy mask now?" Barry says, "Yeah. Caitlin's taking it to ARGUS with an armored escort as we speak. She's going to help Cisco retrofit a vault there with mental dampeners that'll keep the mask from finding more victims." Chester looks at Sue and says, "So, Sue, I'm sure you can't wait to get out of here, huh?" Sue says, "All right. Relax, Chester. Liane explained everything to me. And I'm sorry that I was so harsh. I guess getting whammied makes me grumpy. As for my next move, Ralph is still busy, and I did miss Central City. So, I think I'm going to stick around for a while. I'm staying at the penthouse suite of the Lily Hotel. Nightcaps and a late dinner on my terrace? My treat." Liane, Barry, and Cecile all say, "Yes." Sue says, "Yeah? All right. See you there." Cecile looks at Barry and says, "Um, hey, Barry... You know, if it weren't for you, I probably never would've gotten out of that place." Barry looks at Cecile and says, "No. It was all you. And I knew you could do it. But I'm not the only one that believes in you." Cecile nods with a smile and says, "I know. I should probably go home and talk to Joe. Few things I should tell him. Tell Sue rain check." Barry nods and says, "Yeah." Cecile walks away. Barry looks at Chester and says, "Chester, are you coming? I mean, I know you're more of a root beer kind of guy, but you've earned a victory meal too." Chester says, "Really? Even after falling for the wrath of some omnipotent, psychotropic, immortal mask? You know, after saying it out loud and hearing it back, I'm kind of like, you know-- Yeah, count me in." Liane says, "Chester, you are a full-fledged member of Team Flash now. Your voice will always matter here. Just make sure you use it." Chester nods and says, "Yeah. Okay." Liane, Barry, and Chester walk out. Later, Liane's on Sue's terrace with Sue, Barry, and Chester sitting at the table eating dinner. Liane smiles at Chester and says, "You did an amazing job today, Chester. Cisco would be proud." Chester smiles and says, "Thanks, Liane. I appreciate it." Liane says, "So, earlier you said that you barely know us and well why don't you get to us a little bit better." Chester smiles and says, "Okay. Uh, favorite movie?" Barry smiles and says, "Jurassic Park." Chester smiles and says, "Such a classic movie." Liane smiles and says, "Well, my favorite is Empire Strikes Back. I love Star Wars so much. It's my comfort movie." Chester smiles and says, "Same. One of the greatest movies of all time." Sue says, "Eh, the greatest movie of all time is Harry Potter." Chester smiles and says, "Okay, girl." Sue smiles. As the night goes on, Chester gets know the team and he has a smile on his face feeling good and that's all Liane wants for Chester, to feel like he belongs. 

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