Chapter 107

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Liane walks into the cortex to find Barry looking back at the footage from last night from that attack. Liane says, "Still at it?" Barry says, "I think I figured out how to track the thing that attacked us." Barry pulls up a geothermic scope and Liane says, "So... what are we looking at?" Barry says, "A spectrograph from the scene of the attack. That is a rare geothermic isotope that I reprogrammed our satellite's to scan for. If we get a hit--" Liane cuts Barry off and says, "Then we can track our target. Nice work." Barry says, "Thanks." Liane says, "Barry, you've been at this all day. Maybe you should take a break and get some rest." Barry says, "I'm not going to rest while that thing is still out there. Besides, with Ralph overseas for a while, and Frost still recovering--" Cisco cuts him off walking in saying, "Oh, I'd say she's more than just recovering." Caitlin walks into the cortex. Cisco says, "Check out this frosty twist." Frost walks into the cortex and Liane and Barry's eyes widen. Barry says, "Are my back meds still wearing off? I'm seeing double." Liane says, "Yeah, you and me both." Caitlin says, "I know this is a lot to take in." Frost holds her hand out to Cisco and says, "Told you they'd freak." Cisco rolls his eyes handing Frost a 20-dollar bill. Later, everyone's in the longue and Frost says, "So, you remember when Mirror Monarch blasted me with her gun?" Barry says, "Mm-hmm." Frost says, "Well, ever since that blast, we've had these crazy headaches. Last night, everything gets fuzzy, Caity passes out. And then we wake up--totally fine. But there's two of us." Caitlin says "Uh, Eva's mirror gauntlet contained a reflective mirror chip. I think it forced Frost's cryogenes to rapidly replicate and create a whole new form so that she could survive." Cisco's grinning and says, "Crazy, right?" Barry says, "So, can you still hear each other's thoughts?" Frost shakes her head and says, "Nope. Just sweet, sweet silence. And I got to keep my powers. Caity got to keep the doctor stuff and science know-how, which is fine by me." Liane says, "You guys always felt like two different people. Now, you just have two different... bodies." Caitlin says, "But don't worry, I'm going to figure out a way to get us back together as quickly as possible, because I'm afraid the longer we wait, the harder it'll be." Liane says, "Is that what Frost wants?" Caitlin says, "Of course it is." Liane looks over at Frost to see her frown and Frost says, "Shouldn't we be focusing on that berserker who killed Abra Kadabra instead?" Cisco says, "Frost has a point. Where are we with Fuerza?" Everyone looks at Cisco confused except Liane, and she says, "It's Spanish for strength." Cisco says, "Thank you, at least you got it. Look, She-Hulk was taken, okay?" Liane says, "Well, there is still no sign of her, but Barry has figured out how to track her." Cisco says, "Oh, good." Liane says, "Yeah." Cisco says, "'Cause if Fuerza can survive an antimatter blast, that kind of puts her on a whole other level of baddie. Like, a "wet your pants" level." The alarm goes off and Cisco gets out his phone and says, "Satellites detected an isotopic signature?" Barry says, "That's Fuerza. Where's she headed?" Cisco says, "Here, right now." A bunch of colorful lightning starts appearing in the room and Frost says, "What's with all this thunder and lightning? Is Fuerza a speedster too?" Liane looks up to see a body on the ceiling surrounded by lightning. Liane says, "Barry." Everyone looks up and Caitlin says, "Who is that?" The body falls down and Barry speeds over to catch the body and it's the Speed Force. The Speed Force is hurt and she's breathing unsteady, and she weakly says, "Help me. Help me." Barry moves the Speed Force into the med bay and everyone's in the cortex watching her vitals. Barry says, "I just got the Speed Force restarted, now this happens." Caitlin says, "And what about your speed? Has it been affected?" Barry says, "No. At least not yet. I'm still trying to figure out how this is even possible." Caitlin says, "I have no idea. I have never seen biometrics like this." Cisco says, "You've never had a god for a patient. The Speed Force took this form right after H.R.'s funeral. It's like Zeus coming down from Olympus, disguised as a mere mortal." Liane says, "Okay but why would a god be asking for our help?" Caitlin says, "Whatever the answer is, I need to figure out a way to accurately monitor her recovery." Barry speeds away and then speed back into the room. Cisco's startled and says, "Holy mother." Barry looks at Cisco and says, "You good?" Cisco says, "Yeah, just give me a minute." Barry says, "She's wearing my Speed Force gauge now. Right now, it's red. If it changes, hopefully that'll tell us her power levels are recharging." Liane says, "And if that's the case, maybe she entered a comatose state to help heal herself. And when she recovers, she can tell us who did this to her. It." Barry says, "Maybe it's the same thing that can rip through an antimatter bomb like it's tissue paper. Those are residual geothermic isotopes. They're all over her." Cisco says, "You think Fuerza did this? Oh, that must have been one hell of a fight." Barry says, "Not as big as the fight we're gonna take to Fuerza." Cisco says, "Okay, but this isn't just some run-of-the-mill meta we're talking about here. Whatever Fuerza is, she's powerful enough to hurt the fricking Speed Force. And what if she doesn't wake up? What happens to you?" Barry says, "Look, we've faced big threats before. Crisis, Savitar, Thawne. We beat them all. If Fuerza did do this, she should be afraid of us." Cisco says, "All right, I'll keep looking for isotopes." Cisco walks away and Caitlin says, "And I'll keep monitoring the Speed Force." Caitlin walks away. Liane walks up to Barry and says, "You think Fuerza's gonna come back and finish what she started, don't you?" Barry says, "I already watched the Speed Force die once. I'm not gonna let that happen again."

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