Chapter 124

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Liane's at Jitter's drinking a Killer Frost watching the news about Frost saving the day with a sad smile

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Liane's at Jitter's drinking a Killer Frost watching the news about Frost saving the day with a sad smile. Later, Electra's out on the field with team Flash creating an orb around a cop car before it crushes two officers. Electra stands by Flash, Allegra, and Cecile. Flash says, "All right, big guy. I'm gonna give you one chance to stand down." Their big bad says, "I'll give you once chance to beat it." Flash says, "Chester, what's he wearing? Chester?" Chester's on comms as he says, "Sorry. Just give me a second to, um... okay, okay, I got it. The armor matches the description of an exo-suit stolen from Ivo Labs. It's charged by amplifying the wearer's biochemistry, so everything from this movements to even his emotions--" Electra cuts him off and says, "Are fuel that makes him stronger." Their big bad says, "You should've run away when you had the chance, Flash. Now this has to happen!" Their big bad stomps on the ground creating a rumble that goes all the way to a building shattering it's windows. Cecile says, "There's a lot of people in there." Chester says, "Okay Flash, he just compromised two steel girders in that substructure. That building's gonna collapse." Flash says, "Electra, Allegra, Cecile, I'm gonna use my lightning to weld those girders back together. Take this guy down." Flash speeds away. Chester says, "Okay, let's do a classic corral and contain. Allegra, charge up and hit him with a UV burst." Allegra says, "Hey, Snow Pants! Over here." Chester says, "And then Frost, you swoop in to--" Allegra gets distracted by Chester mentioning Frost and blows up a car. Electra creates a force field around the blast containing it. Chester worriedly says, "Allegra!" Electra says, "It's okay, Chester. I contained the blast. She's fine." Chester says, "Guys, I'm-- I am so sorry--" Cecile cuts Chester off and says, "Chester, I need you to focus. You got to help me figure out how I'm gonna stop this guy." Their big bad says, "Your friend should learn how to aim." Chester says, "If you can try to calm his emotions, that could de-power the suit." As Cecile closes her eyes, their big bad says, "You trying to mess with my head?" Cecile then grabs her head in pain and Chester says, "What just happened?" Cecile grunts, "It's all of my grief from Frost... and all the panic inside the building. I can't take it! It's overloading me! I can't use my powers!" Their big bad says, "Pathetic. Worst heroes ever." Electra glares at their big bad and blasts the guy away and he goes crashing into the ground. Electra walks over to the guy and says, "We're not pathetic." As Electra goes to blast him again, the guy throws a punch at Electra sending her across until she crashes into a wall with a groan. Flash speeds over to Cecile and Allegra and says, "You guys okay?" Cecile says, "Yeah." Flash looks around and says, "Where's Electra?" Electra stands up holding her stomach walking over and says, "Right here." Flash looks worriedly at Electra and says, "Are you okay?" Electra grunts, "I'll be fine. Chester, where'd he go?" Chester says, "I don't know. He just vanished." Later, Liane's in the cortex with her arms crossed with Barry. Liane's phone buzzes and she sighs and says, "CCC tip line still has nothing on Mark Desmond, AKA Blockbuster." Barry says, "Keep digging, please. Chester says his suit has some kind of cloaking tech we can't track, which means we're not going see him again. Until he attacks." Liane says, "And when he does..." Barry says, "Liane, we can't go back out there like this. I mean, we should have easily stopped Desmond, but you, Allegra and Cecile were almost killed." Liane says, "We're all still pretty messed up about Frost. I think with any normal job, we would take time off to grieve. But with Team Flash..." Barry says, "This isn't a normal job. Liane, how am I supposed to tell people who just lost a family member they need to find a way to mourn and still get the job done?" Liane says, "I don't know. But if there's anyone who can find the right words to inspire us right now, it's you." Later, everyone's in the longue except Caitlin. Barry says, "Thanks for taking the time for this meeting, guys." Liane says, "Yeah, we realize it's a crazy time with everything going on." Cecile says, "Of course. Yeah, we-- we need to be together, now more than ever." Allegra says, "Speaking of, where's Caitlin?" Liane says, "I didn't want to bother her. I think she's preparing for the funeral tomorrow." Joe says, "Maybe we should do the same thing. Look, while your satellite is looking for Desmond, Kramer put out an APB, and she's got a unit placed at every bank in town. Luckily, we have time to take a break." Barry says, "In a perfect world, it'd be great to take some time off. God knows we all need it, but at any moment we could face something worse. And whether we like it or not, we're this city's first line of defense. We all saw what happened out there. If it had been Bloodwork or Despero? Frost is gone. And we all need to mourn her, but we also need to find a way to protect this city." Caitlin walks in and says, "Didn't realize we were having a team meeting." Liane looks at Caitlin and says, "We figured you might need some alone time." Caitlin says, "It's fine. I haven't been sleeping very much, I could use the distraction." Liane softly says, "Are you sure? I mean, I know you must be dealing with a lot. And I know how hard it can be to organize a funeral." Caitlin says, "Actually, my mom is handling all the arrangements." Liane says, "Okay. I mean, if that's what you want, but we're all happy to pitch in--" Caitlin cuts her off and says, "Like I said, my mom's got it covered. But if you've got a problem with that, feel free to give her a call, offer your help. 'Cause I'm not going to any damn funeral." Caitlin walks away. As Liane walks after her and says, "Cailtin--" Joe cuts Liane off and says, "Liane." Liane looks back at Joe and Joe says, "Give her some space." Liane says, "Joe, she's hurting." Joe says, "I know. We all are. But like Barry said... we just lost a family member, and that pain will keep us from protecting those in need. It will cloud everything we do until we face it and heal." Chester says, "Yeah, but how are we supposed to do that?" Joe says, "By honoring Frost. Look, I just... took watercolor classes at the community center because Frost made me promise that I would try to express myself through art. And I got to admit, when I saw the first canvas... I felt Frost smiling down on me. And we all have to find our own ways to honor her, 'cause it is the only way we are going to heal as a family." Later, Liane's at CCC Media sitting outside at a table with Cecile looking at her phone as she says, "There's still zero hits on the tip line about Blockbuster. It's already tough knowing that people almost died because we weren't ready to face him but knowing that he could appear at any moment. It makes what we're going through that much harder." Cecile says, "I know. Which reminds me, I think I've decided how I'm gonna take Joe's advice and honor Frost. After her court battle last year, wrongly imprisoned metas, that became a cause really close to her heart. So, effective immediately, I'm gonna dedicate 25% of my caseload to pro bono work in her honor." Liane smiles and says, "Frost would love that." Cecile smiles and says, "Yeah?" Liane smiles and says, "I'm going to write a special obituary for her on CCC." Cecile smiles and says, "That's a great idea. Frost always loved your articles. She would love this." Liane smiles and says, "I know." Later, Liane's in her office writing Frost's obituary. Liane types Frost's obituary on her laptop and she types, "The city first knew Frost as Killer Frost. She was a supervillain causing destruction, but all she wanted to feel was a sense of belonging. As she grew as a person, she got the feeling of belonging to a team working with heroes like the Flash, Electra, Kid Flash, and Vibe. She became one of Central City's most valuable hero. She was wrongfully committed last year, but she proved herself at what kind of hero she is. Frost has saved countless people's lives including mine. This city is going to miss you Frost and I hope you're smiling and happy wherever you are." Tears roll down Liane's face as she wipes them away. Later, Liane's at Jitter's sitting in front of Carla. Carla's reading Liane's obituary and Liane says, "So does it do her justice?" Carla smiles and says, "Yeah. Frost would be very proud that you honored her this way." Liane smiles. Carla says, "The reason why I asked you here is because I wanted to see how you were doing." Liane sighs and softly says, "I just can't believe she's gone." Carla nods and says, "I feel the same way. You and Caitlin were very close with Frost, more than I was. So, the pain that you're in, in losing Frost hurts. I just want you to know that I am here if you want to talk." Liane nods as a tear slips down Liane's face. Liane wipes the tear and says, "Thanks, Carla." Carla softly smiles and reaches across the table and grabs Liane's hand squeezing it. A barista walks by and Liane says, "Hey, could I have the Frost drink?" The barista says, "Sure. But it's actually called 'Killer Frost.'" Carla says, "Well, it shouldn't be. Never mind. I'll take one too." The barista nods and walks away. Liane says, "I hate when people call her Killer Frost, she's not that person anymore." Carla softly smiles and says, "Yeah." Later, Liane's back at her office doing her Citizentopia podcast with two special guests. Liane says, "Welcome to "Citizentopia," where you, the citizens of Central City, share your stories. I am here today to talk about a fallen hero, someone who was often misunderstood, a woman that you all know as... Killer Frost. But to the people who really knew her, she was no killer. Frost saved lives, and she changed them for the better, and I'm here with two people who are proof of that. Kamiko, Jamal, thank you for joining us." Kamiko says, "Hello." Jamal says, "Hi." Kamiko says, "Sure." Jamal says, "Thanks for having us." Liane says, "So I understand that you both had a unique encounter with Frost?" Jamal says, "It was during Bloodwork's attack on the city, and we were in the subway. It was just completely overrun by his Blood Brothers. I was so scared." Kamiko says, "We all were. It was a bunch of strangers trapped while those things picked us off one by one." Jamal says, "Until Frost showed up." Kamiko says, "It was amazing. Frost froze those Blood Brothers and helped us escape. We owe her our lives." Jamal says, "If it wasn't for Frost, we... We would have never gotten married." Kamiko says, "So wherever you are, Frost... thank you." Later, Counselor Strong is on the podcast and she says, "Seeing her courage in court... I knew I was on the wrong side of the bench. So, when she was released, I reached out, asking for forgiveness." Liane says, "And what did Frost say?" Counselor Strong says, "That I did my job... but maybe I should get a better one." Liane chuckles. Counselor Strong says, "So the next day, I quit the state prosecutor's office. Now I'm defending metas in Star City." Later, a man named Jasper is on the podcast and he says, "And she caught me right in the middle of it. But she didn't turn me in." Later, a woman named Gale says, "It was amazing. Frost froze those Blood Brothers and helped us escape. Man, I was a tagger. If it wasn't for Frost, I'd be in jail right now. Instead, I got my first gallery exhibit next week." Liane smiles knowing that Frost would love hearing the city of Central City hearing stories about how she saved them.

The Flash and His Lightning Rod~Barry Allen Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora