Chapter 44

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After Barry went into the Speed Force, Julian went back to London, Iris left Central City because she didn't feel a part of Team Flash anymore. Liane quit her job at CCPD and steps up to be Team Leader. Liane, Cisco, Wally, and Harry rebuilt STAR Labs. Liane also changed her hair. Liane goes to fight crime with Cisco and Wally. Cisco made Liane a suit and give her a name and she's known as Electra. One day, Liane got herself into some trouble and she ended up getting hurt pretty badly and she didn't want to go to the hospital. Liane goes to the one person who can help her out. Liane knocks on a familiar door. The door opens and Liane says, "Look, I know you said you wanted some distance, but I really need your help." Caitlin looks down to see Liane's side is gushing profusely and she widens her eyes and lets Liane in. Caitlin says, "Sit down." Liane sits down and she winces. Caitlin hurries to gather her supplies while also trying to keep Killer Frost down, because she's worried for her friend. Caitlin starts breathing heavily and she feels her eyes change and Killer Frost appears knowing how much Caitlin cares about Liane. Killer Frost grabs the supplies and goes over to Liane. Liane hears footsteps and as she looks up, she's surprised to see Killer Frost instead of Caitlin. Liane gets up and moves away from Killer Frost. Killer Frost rolls her eyes and says, "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." Killer Frost can see Liane hesitate, but Liane sighs and sits down, and Killer Frost says, "Okay, take your jacket off." Liane does as she's told, and Killer Frost examines the wound, and she says, "So, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into?" Liane says, "I was tracking down a lead and the lead was selling this type of metal. The buyer was some sort of meta human and when I revealed myself. She attacked me, I tried fighting her but clearly I wasn't careful, and she got me pretty bad." Killer Frost says, "I can see that." Killer Frost places her hand on Liane's wound and Liane winces. Killer Frost says, "This is going to hurt." Killer Frost freezes Liane's wound and Liane grunts, "What are you doing?" Killer Frost says, "Freezing your wound to stop the bleeding. With your powers, it can melt the ice and then then I can stitch it up." Liane sighs and concentrates on melting the ice and it works. Then Killer Frost stitches up the wound. Liane says, "Why are you helping me?" Killer Frost says, "Because I know Caitlin would have had shaking hands." Liane nods and sees that Killer Frost just finished snitching her up and Liane says, "Thanks." Killer Frost nods. Liane says, "Can I talk to Caitlin?" Killer Frost changes back into Caitlin and Caitlin sees that Liane's wound is all stitched up and says, "Well, I was little surprised that Killer Frost helped you." Liane says, "Uh, honestly, I was surprised too." Caitlin says, "So, who did this to you?" Liane says, "Her name is Amunet Black." Caitlin says, "Never heard of her." Liane says, "Well, that's because she's into the black-market." Liane says, "Okay, I should probably get going." Liane gets up and she almost loses her balance, but Caitlin steady's her and says, "Whoa. Take it easy. Just stay here. Just text Barry you're staying here." Liane sighs and says, "Um, I know ever since you went your separate way, you don't know about Barry." Caitlin's confused and says, "Did something happen?" Liane says, "He's in the Speed Force." Caitlin widens her eyes says, "Oh, my God." Liane nods and says, "Yeah, me, Cisco, Lydia, Tracy, Tina, and Harry have been trying to figure out a way to get Barry back. So, far we've come up with nothing." Caitlin says, "How long has he been gone?" Liane says, "One month." Caitlin says, "How have you been?" Liane sighs and says, "I've been okay. I don't know if you know about the new superhero in Central City." Caitlin smiles and says, "I have and she's pretty badass." Liane smiles and says, "Yeah, everyone especially the woman love that there is a woman superhero protecting the city. I never realize this was my calling, but it makes me really happy." Caitlin smiles and says, "I'm sorry for shutting you and everyone else out. I just needed to figure out who I am." Liane nods and says, "No. I get it. So, since I'm staying the night how about a movie night?" Caitlin smiles and says, "Okay. You pick the movie and I'll make the popcorn." Liane smiles and gets comfortable on the couch. A couple of months go by, and it's been 3 months since Barry's been trapped in the Speed Force. Liane and Caitlin are back to being friends and Amunet keeps bothering Liane, so Killer Frost steps up and handles Amunet and now she works for her. Liane feels bad, that she got Caitlin in this mess, but Caitlin tells Liane not to worry. In a turn of events, Liane and Killer Frost become sort of friends. Liane trusts Killer Frost as a person instead just being inside of Caitlin. In fact, Liane doesn't even call Killer Frost by that name anymore. Instead, she just called her Frost and Frost accepts it. It's kind of funny how Liane calls Frost since it's technically Killer Frost's last name and Frost calls Liane Lane. It's just something special between the two of them.

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