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*4 am*
  (Your head)
I was running as fast as I could, not daring to turn back.

It was chasing me and I could feel it getting closer. My heart was pounding and my legs ached. I needed to get out of here, where ever I was.

I turned the corner only to be hit with a dead end "Shit" I mumbled. I could hear the Monster's steps as it neared closer.

It's heavy breathing filled my ears and it's rotten smell infiltrated my nostrils. As I went to turn around it grabbed me, slashing my stomach causing me to let out a terrifying scream.

Larissa suddenly woke up to you thrashing around in the bed. She was pretty used to it, you had nightmares almost daily.

She tried to calm you the best she could but it was no use.

Larissa then resulted in waking you up. "Y/n, wake up" Larissa said with a gentle whisper.

"Hey y/n wake up, it's just a dream dear" Larissa grabbed your shoulders and gently shook till you woke up. She hated watching you like this, your nightmares were always unsightly.

Your eyes shot open as your eyes raced around the room.

Your breathing was abnormal and you sat up, lifting your shirt, inspecting your stomach, making sure there were no scratches.

Larissa sat up with you and watched as your eyes traveled to your stomach and realized you were checking for any wounds.

Larrisa then put a hand on your shoulder and softly spoke," are you alright darling?" She looked at you will a worrisome look.

"Yea, I just had another nightmare" you mumble breathlessly, looking down still having a feeling of uneasiness.

Larissa nodded, understanding your discomfort.

After a moment of silence Larissa looked at the time seeing it was only four a.m.

"Well would you like to talk about it? If not that's okay I don't want to pressure you" Larissa suggested.

Your sit for a moment pondering the idea before voicing your decision.

"I'd rather not, can we just go back to sleep?" You asked feeling slightly bad for not opening up.

"Of course dear." Larissa said as she pulled you closer, wrapping her arms around you protectively, while softly caressing your hair.

Larissa always new how to help you after a nightmare, and honestly you were so incredibly lucky to have such and amazing lover.

With time the room started to blur and your thoughts were fuzzy, with the little energy you had left you opened your eyes to see your beautiful girlfriend with her eyes closed.

She looks so peaceful and content, it's adorable.

You snuggled up closer to her and she kissed your forehead."Goodnight Rissa" you said quietly. "Goodnight dear, sleep well" Larissa whispered, and with that you were both sound asleep in no time.

Alr so there's the first Oneshot🤭🤭
Should I write more?!?!
(Btw sry it was kinda short)

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