Cheater pt 3 (alternative ending A)

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A/N: So basically I was just gunna do ending A or B but someone suggested that I do both so here's A.
Okay so tmr I'm gunna post B and I actually have a lot I'm adding to it, I'm going to do my original idea but I'm also going to try to add what everyone asked for so everyone likes it, while making it make sense still😭

Tw: S M U T 🤭 (kinda rough)
(I was not gunna do smut but then I just imagined like angry sex soo💁🏻‍♀️)

After a couple minutes of sulking, I lazily stood up and began walking to my car. There were so many thoughts buzzing around in my head. Without Larissa I wasn't sure what I was going to do anymore. I love her more than anything but I don't know if I can go back to her.

I made it out of the gates and look both ways before I crossed the street. At this point in the day the sun was setting and the air got a bit cooler. I clutched my arms as I shivered a bit. Before I knew it I had made it to my car. I buckled my seat belt and fixed the rear view mirror glancing at myself. I had dried mascara under my eyes and small streaks on my face, I looked like I've been crying for hours.

The drive home felt faster than usual, it felt like just seconds ago I was still in the Nevermore parking lot.
I parked my car in my usual parking spot and just sat for a moment staring blankly. After a few moments of silence I opened the car door and stepped out making sure to shut and lock the door behind me. When I got inside, the house felt different, it didn't feel like a home any more, just a place. I looked around and saw pictures of me and Larissa on the wall above the couch. There were all sorts of pictures of us on the wall and in the middle was me and Larissa's wedding day photo. That photo was 5 years old, it's crzay to think how fast time can really fly by, and how fast people can change within that time.

I looked away trying to not cry again. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed whatever alcohol I could find. I wanted to forget, no I needed to forget, and this was the only way I knew how. I grabbed a random bottle not bothering to read the label and took a decent sized drink straight out of the bottle. I could feel as the liquor burned my throat but started to sooth my nerves, slightly.

Next thing I knew one drink turned into 5 and then the bottle was empty. I stumbled around a little having very little control over my balance. My head was starting to hurt a little bit. My vision was blurry and I started seeing doubles of everything. I grabbed the wall for support hoping not to fall but unfortunately I took a wrong step and went tumbling down. Before I could hit the ground I felt two soft gentle arms wrap around me. I didn't exactly know who it was, I mean I had a pretty good guess but for now I just smuggled into their arms not really caring who it might be.

I groaned a little bit as I was layed on something soft. The light was too bright and everything around me was too loud. I tried opening my eyes, after awhile of resting, I tried to focus, I soon gathered that I was in my bedroom and to the right of me was a tall silhouette of someone with light hair and a blueish gray dress. After a moment it finally clicked, it was Larissa. My heart nearly dropped when I saw her, I guess I felt a little better knowing it wasn't a stranger.

I was so upset earlier I nearly forgot how loving and caring she really was. I groaned out again suddenly feeling a sharp pain run throughout out my head. I then feel a hand caress my face and move the hair out of my eyes. Larissa just sits there and watches me before she talks, "Darling I have some pain meds and water, can you sit up and take them for me?" Larissa asked softly. I'll admit I was still pretty mad but I really missed Larissa, especially her taking care of me.

I slowly sat up taking the water and medicine from Larissa. I drink the whole glass within seconds. Larissa looked at me a little surprised asking if I'd like another one, I nodded my head and gave her the glass and watched her leave the room. I think that glass helped clear my mind a little and sober up just a bit. I wanted to stand up and yell and scream and tell her how much she hurt me but when I saw her enter the room it all vanished. Larissa sat down next to me in her original spot and handed me the glass. Much like the first one I was able to drink it rather quickly. Instead of giving Larissa the glass I just decided to put it on my night stand.

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