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Today was me and Larissa's 5 year anniversary, and I was excited. I loved her so much and I desperately wanted to make today as magical for her as it is for me. I have already made dinner reservations for two at Larissa's favorite restaurant.

All I needed to do now was to get ready and wait for Larissa to get home, I fortunately had a hour before we'd have to leave. I got in and out of the shower in record time and put on a medium length black dress that shows a little bit of my cleavage and put some light makeup on, Larissa always says I look good without it but tonight is different.

I wanted, no I needed everything to be absolutely perfect for her. Larissa always does so much for me and I want to show her how much I appreciate her. I checked the time and realized Larissa should've been home about 10 minutes ago, I brush it off thinking it was just slightly weird.

After 20 minutes pass I begin to worry trying to calm myself with thought that she might be stuck in traffic. I wait another 5 minutes realizing we had less than 15 minutes to get to the restaurant or we'd be late. I decided I'd go to her office to see if maybe she forgot and had some extra work to do. I grabbed my purse and keys quickly walking out of our shared house to my car.

I tried driving to Nevermore as quickly as I could without going too much over the speed limit but to my demise I was pulled over by sheriff Galpin. He gave me warning telling me next time I wouldn't be so fortunate. I watched as he walked back into his car and went the opposite direction. I quickly put the car back in drive and rushed to get to the school without speeding this time.

I get to the parking lot and a look around and see Larissa's car in it's normal parking spot. Well at least she's here I think to myself. I check my phone seeing as we were supposed to be at the restaurant 25 minutes ago, oh well I think. We could figure something else out, I mean it's not too late into the day, I remind myself trying to keep this as positive as possible.

I look both ways before crossing the street and making over to a big black gate that had the Word Nevermore in big cursive letters. I waited for the gate to open and quickly made my way inside. I walked around seeing only a few students out, im guessing most of them were already in there rooms considering school is currently out. I walk the usual way to Larissa's office. I stand there about to knock when I realize there is no light on, thinking it's weird I decide to knock anyways and get no response

I try to open the door but to my surprise the door was locked. I tried my best to see inside the room but the textured glass made it difficult. "Larissa honey, are you there?"i asked questioningly. I go to turn around with a frown on my face then suddenly I make eye contact with a medium hight girl with short blonde colored hair. " O-oh sorry Enid you scared me, but have you seen Larissa? Her car is here but she's not in her office." I say knitting my eye brows trying to think where she could be. Enid smiles at me before shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not sure I'm pretty sure I saw her with Ms. Thornhill, but that was awhile ago." Ms. Thornhill? Why would she be with her?

I look back over to Enid realizing I'm just standing here. I give her a small smile before patting her shoulder and thanking her. I watch as she skips away going god knows where.

I start walking around trying to find this Ms. Thornhills classroom. I've never even met her so I'm not exactly sure who I'm looking for but I'm sure I'll find her especially if she's with Larissa. Thinking about her and Larissa being together after school hours made my stomach turn and gave me a slight feeling of uneasiness but I trust Larissa and her judgement so I decided to ignore this feeling.

About 5 minutes passed as I finally found a tall navy blue colored door with a little sign on the side that said "Ms. Thornhill" in capital letters. I was about to knock when I heard a rather loud sound, kind of like a voice. It sounded sort of like a scream, no more like a moan?, And then it happened again. That feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty flooded through me again like a water fall. I opened the door only half expecting what I saw. Well Larissa was definitely doing something, and that something was unfortunately Ms. Thornhill. A ginger woman with glasses and choppy bangs who I assume was Thornhill was sprawled out against her desk with only a shirt on while Larissa stood between her legs, still dressed. I watched in Horror as me and Larissa made eye contact causing her to quickly stop her actions, making Thornhill whine.

Larissa quickly stood up almost pushing Thornhill off the table trying to get to me. I slowly started walking backwards feeling hot steamy tears trickle down my cheeks, most liking smudging my mascara, but in this moment I didn't care. "Darling don't cry, I swear it's not what it looks like." Larissa says with a guilty look gracing her delicate feature's. I chocked out a sob before saying "I-its not what it l-ooks like? Because it looks like y-you're cheating to me!" I said feeling the words burn my throat. Larissa came closer to me and tried wrapping her arms around me to comfort me and usually I would have expected her offer greatfuly, but now I can't even imagine her touching me especially after she cheated. On our Anniversary. "H-how could you do this to me? Especially on our anniversary?" I said starting to find my voice. Larissa looked as if she was about to cry herself, seeing the state she put you in pained her. Larissa looked at the ground unable to say anything to atone for her actions.

"How long? How many times did you fuck this teacher behind my back?" That was Larissa's breaking point, she couldn't help the tears now. Larissa looked up at me with tears now running down her cheeks, god even now she's still beautiful as ever. Larissa looks away and then back at me quickly saying "I swear it's our first, I'm so sorry my love I truly never meant for this to happen. I love you so much, I have no clue what compelled me to act such an absurd way."

I blankly stared at Larissa, feeling as my entire world came flooding down. It was in this moment I realized I lost a part of me and I'll never get it back. I take a few breaths not exactly sure how I'm supposed to get over this. I can't leave her but I know I'll never be able to trust her again, especially if that bitch still works here. I looked down feeling the tears fill my eyes once again. I sqeeze my eyes shut not wanting Larissa to see my cry any longer. Once I feel I am 'calm' enough I look back up to see Larissa staring at me, seemingly waiting on me to say something. I think for a moment about what I'm going to say before I say "Im not sure what compelled you either." I say simply. It wasn't much but it was true. I look at Larissa taking in her strikingly beautiful face face for the last time. She looks like a mess and I start to wonder if I looked the same. Once I feel the tears coming back I turn around and walk out, shutting the door behind me, refusing to turn around. Once it's closed I slide down the door, bringing my knees up as I gently lay my head on them. As if on command the second my head hit the top of my knees I started crying once again.

A/n: idk🧍🏻‍♀️

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