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A/N: idk kinda smutty mostly kinky
This is also a request so Raven enjoy😭
Also Y/n is of age

TW: s p a n k i n g

I felt my heart drop as I made it to principal Weems office. I looked at to door contemplating whether I should knock or save myself the trouble and go bake to class. After a few moments of thinking I finally decided to just knock, whether I liked it or not I'd end up here again.

I brought my hand up and quickly knocked waiting for a response. After a couple moments passed I heard a voice say come in. I took a deep breath and turned the door handle stepping into her office. I quickly stepped in and shut the door behind me. As I walk in I don't dare look up, keeping my eyes glued to the floor. I take a few steps and then stop, waiting for further directions.

"Come sit" Principal Weems says sternly. I comply and sit on the right seat in front of her desk, while maintaining my eye contact with the floor. For a awhile it was pure silence, then I heard a soft hum from principal Weems before she finally says, "So I hear you've been acting up in class?" Weems asks already knowing the answer. I shift in my seat slightly uncomfortable and nervous, I shamefully nod, not really seeing the point in lying. "Use your words darling, oh and look at people when they talk to you."Weems says with a playful tone. I could feel as my my knees grow weak and my cheeks burn a bright pink. I slowly lifted my head till my gaze fell onto hers. "Yes" I say meekly. Principal Weems laughs a bit at my antics.

"Good girl, that's much better." Weems says smirking at me. I struggled to keep eye contact, blushing like crazy. I was like putty in her hands. "You know for such a trouble maker you are extremely quite." Weems says smugly. "Well I-I." I tried to find the correct words to use to defend myself but I couldn't come up with a explanation. Which begs the question, why am I so quite? I was just fine awhile ago. Weems stared at me while I got lost in thought. "What are you thinking about dear?" Weems asked pulling me from my thoughts, but before I could answer her question she said something else almost leaving me shocked.

"I think you need a punishment." Weems said smirking devilishly at me. Before I could protest or even say anything for that matter she spoke again. "Seeing as you've had multiple types of discipline in that past that is, I believe we need to take further action." Further action? "What do you mean further action?" I asked looking at Principal Weems again. "Well darling I'm so glad you asked." Weems took a moment pausing, before continuing. As she was a about to speak she took another moment squinting her eyes indicating a new thought popped into her head. Weems smiled at me and began talking again, "Are you familiar with the way disruptive students used to be disciplined?" Weems asks smiling while staring at me contently.

"I- I don't think so." I say truthfully while shaking my head. There's something about the way she looks at me and talks to me that makes my head fuzzy. "well it really depended on what the situation was, but more times than not they'd get spanked." Weems said while laughing a bit, but not the normal I found a joke funny laughter, this was different. I gulped loudly feeling scared and slightly aroused?

"H-how many? Spakens I mean" I said slightly stuttering. "Well that all depends on who's providing the punishment dear, put in this case I'd say 10." Weems says while tapping her finger on her desk. I sat for a few moments wanting this to be over. I finally stood up and slowly walked around the dest till I was standing right next to principal Weems. Weems turned her chair and stood up towering over me. "Follow me dear." Weems says as she walks past me and sits on a small couch in front of a fireplace. I watch as Weems makes herself comfortable and then looks up at me and pats her knee.

Without a second thought I walked over to the couch and propped myself over principal Weems knee. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself and to remind myself this was just a punishment, nothing more. I felt as Weems took her hand and stroked my ass. "You will count each spank, if you mess up, don't count, or say a number twice I will add 5 more." Weems said calmly. I wanted to be mad at her for this but I found this to be quite exciting. I nearly chocked out when I felt the first smack. "One" I say quickly, remembering not to mess up. Then I felt the second smack, but this one wasn't as bad because I was able to brace myself. "Two". I closed my eyes patiently waiting for a third one but it didn't happen. I turned my head then suddenly I felt it. This one was harder then both of the first and second one combined. I let out a small whine as I spoke, "T-three". By the time the fourth and fifth came, the pain tuned into something more pleasurable.

Before I knew it I was on the last number, I signed out sadly at the realization. Weems lifted up and her hand and delivered the last smack making sure this one was the worst out of the rest. "Ten" I said letting out a small moan. I prayed she didn't hear me, but against my wishes, she did. Weems hand lingered on my ass, running over what I'm sure will bruise. "You naughty naughty girl, you aren't supposed to enjoy this." Weems said laughing darkly. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know she was smirking. I immediately blushed from embarrassment. I quickly hopped off principal and knee and stood up avoiding her gaze. Weems tilted her head continuing to smile at me. "You did so well darling, now what do you say?" Weems asks me. "Thank you principal Weems." I said barley above a whisper. And with that I turned around and walked out of her office.

Once I made it out, I put my hand over my mouth thinking about what just happened, but If one thing was for sure it's that I'd definitely be getting in trouble more often.

A/N: for some reason that was so hard to write, like it was so awkward but I hoped it was at least alr😭

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