Cheater pt.2

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A/n: I literally have no clue why a part two was wanted but this shit is just going to be worse than the first one. Enjoy!!😊

Tw: Mentions of Alcohol

After a couple minutes of sulking, I lazily stood up and began walking to my car. There were so many thoughts buzzing around in my head. Without Larissa I wasn't sure what I was going to do anymore. I love her more than anything but I just can't see me going back to her.

I made it out of the gates and look both ways before I crossed the street. At this point in the day the sun was setting and the air got a bit cooler. I clutched my arms as I shivered a bit. Before I knew it I had made it to my car. I buckled my seat belt and fixed the rear view mirror glancing at myself. I had dried mascara under my eyes and small streaks on my face, I looked like I've been crying for hours.

The drive home felt faster than usual, it felt like just seconds ago I was still in the Nevermore parking lot.
I parked my car in my usual parking spot and just sat for a moment staring blankly. After a few moments of silence I opened the car door and stepped out making sure to shut and lock the door behind me. When I got inside, the house felt different, it didn't feel like a home any more, just a place. I looked around and saw pictures of me and Larissa on the wall above the couch. There were all sorts of pictures of us on the wall and in the middle was me and Larissa's wedding day photo. That photo was 5 years old, it's crzay to think how fast time can really fly by, and how fast people can change within that time.

I looked away trying to not cry again then I hear the door click open. I wanted to turn around and see who it was but I had a pretty good guess. I walked into the kitchen ignoring whoever just walked in and grabbed whatever alcohol I could find. I wanted to forget, no I needed to forget, and this was the only way I knew how. I grabbed a random bottle not bothering to read the label and took a decent sized drink straight out of the bottle. I could feel as the liquor burned my throat but started to sooth my nerves, slightly.

I felt two hands gently touch my shoulder's causing me to flinch. I took a moment before muttering "Don't touch me" I said breaking out of her grasp. "How did you know it was me?" Larissa asked a little confused. "Who else has a key to the house?" I asked annoyed. Larissa looked at the floor and sighed taking a few steps away to give me space. "Well I suppose you have a point there." Larissa says feeling a little stupid. "I mean unless you gave your new girlfriend a key." I say sarcastically but wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case.

Larissa slightly flinched at my harsh words and closed her eyes to calm herself. "Darling, please don't be like that. You know I wouldn't do something like that." Larissa said trying defend herself. I turned around making myself face Larissa, for the first time since Nevermore. My eyes traveled till I made eye contact with Larissa. I could have laughed if I'm being honest. "Do I though? Do I really know you?" I said looking at Larissa with wide eyes. I slowly took a step closer to her. "Because after today I don't think I know you at all." At this I couldn't help but laugh. "You cheated and lied." I say taking a moment before continuing. "It's our anniversary and you fucking cheated on me, and you couldn't even find someone worth cheating with. I honestly can't believe this." I say turning around again grabbing the bottle of alcohol on the counter taking another drink. Larissa watched in complete silence not really sure what she should say.

I pause letting the drink settle and then I put down the bottle, letting the reality of this situation sink in. Larissa didn't just lie and go behind your back but cheated.

"I want a divorce" I say lowly, not sure if I even mean what I'm saying. Larissa took another step forward and tried touching my back when she suddenly pulled away remembering our last encounter. "My love please, let's talk about this. There has to be something we can do, I mean I can fire her, I swear I'll never see her again. Just please, please don't do this to me, I can't lose you." Larissa said, I could hear her voice crack. I almost pityed her. Almost. "Lose me? Larissa you lost me when you slept with another woman. You know you could've at least tried to hide but no you're not even decent enough for that."

"Darling I'm so sor-" was all Larissa could say before I interrupted her. "Do not 'darling' me, I am no longer your darling or anything for that matter. I have made up my mind, I want a divorce." I said feeling my eyes fill with tears. "You know I made reservations today at your favorite restaurant, everything was perfect, everything was going to be perfect, and then you ruined it." I said stumbling past Larissa, I think the alcohol was starting to have a small effect on me.

I was almost out of the kitchen when I stopped and just waited for a moment. I could still smell Larissa's perfume, and even now I still found it comforting. I let her smell infiltrated my nose and tried to hold on to this feeling I knew I'd never feel again. "I'm going to leave, I don't know where I'm going but I'm going somewhere and when I get back I want you and all your belongings gone." I said blankly, even thou each word hurt more than the next. I desperately wanted to turn around and see Larissa's face but I knew that all it would take is just one glance and I'd be in her arms. So with that I walked away.

A/n: I actually have a few alternative endings for this chapter so if anyone's interested I can write another part😼

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