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I'm sorry if I
Come across as
Rude, Sarcastic or Arrogant,
Cantankerous or Narcissistic
I don't intend to.

I'm sorry if I am sometimes,
Indecisive, Inflexible or compulsive
Pessimistic, Resentful or Inconsiderate.
I don't intend to.

Most of all,
I'm sorry that I'm not sorry.
Those words
Do not depict who I am
And they are

If you really got to know me
You would know
Deep down inside,
Way down,
That I have feelings
And even though I may
Act oblivious to what others say
I hear them,
They do sink in,
I stay up all night
over thinking about them.

It's detrimental
to my mental health
How badly I'm misinterpreted.

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