If Only They Knew

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After the show is over
After the fake smiles
And the normal attitude
Is no longer necessary
The little girl creeps
Into her room
Nothing but shadows
And silhouettes.

It became a routine
Sort of a reflection
Of the day's hurdles
But a time for
And self-shaming
Was more accurate.

She thought to herself
As she sat there
Distant from the
Rest of the world...
Oh wait!
That would also be
An understatement
It was more of a mind battle
And her worst enemy
Was herself.

That night
That little girl
Didn't think of writing her thoughts on paper
The blade was a little closer
And she didn't have to
Look far for the "paper" either.

No one ever
Found what went on
Inside her head.
Her sleeves rolled up
The day after
And they immediately
Condemned with the title

It never crossed
Their minds that
Just maybe
They were the ones who
Broke her.

They should've been the ones
Having sleepless nights
Suicidal thoughts
Low self esteem...
Guess it doesn't really matter
The compensation would never
The wounds will never heal,
They would leave
A permanent scar.

Author's Note:
I'm so sorry if you ever went through this but hey if you're reading this story, it means that you held on. Pretty soon you'll find that it was worth it.

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