Dear Mrs. Perfection

138 28 11

Wouldn't know how
It feels to feel like
The WHOLE world hates you.

Wouldn't know how
It feels to feel like
The WHOLE world
Just wants to use you.

Wouldn't know how
It feels to feel like
Not wanting to get out of bed
To escape judgmental eyes.

Wouldn't know how
It feels to feel like
Your personality
Is naturally detestable.

Wouldn't know how
It feels to feel like
Your mistakes are broadcasted
While your good doings
Go unnoticed.

Wouldn't know how
It feels to feel like
Your achievements
Are no longer "achievements"
But a necessity
Because of all the pressure.

Maybe if you'd known
You wouldn't have let me
Slip into that mindset

Unleashed SilenceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt