How You Get The Girl

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When The Sun Hits - Slowdrive

Hudson Jones felt cheated without Chloe. The only reason he came was to see Chloe and Valery had dragged her away from him. Now he was stuck with Brent. And that wasn't bad, but the entire time Brent was pestering him about his feelings.

"Dude you are literally wrapped around her finger." Brent teased.

"Stop." Hudson protested.

"Just ask her out!" Brent said. Hudson had thought about asking her out, numerous times. He didn't know how. He had asked girls out before, but not like this. Not ones that he really liked. Like really liked.

"Its not that easy!" He insisted.

"If you ask her out by Friday, I promise you she'll say yes." Brent assured.

"Okay fine." Hudson agreed.

Part of him was nervous, the other excited. He needed to find the perfect way to ask her out, and the perfect date idea.

Later that night Hudson spent hours figuring out ways he could possibly ask her out. He found himself overthinking every situation. If he asks her out what happens after? What if the date goes wrong? What if their entire friendship goes to waste and she hates him forever?

He had fully convinced himself that asking her out was a bad idea. Until he saw her name on his phone. Suddenly all the overthinking had gone away all his thoughts were just her, her smile, her laugh, and the way she never failed to make him smile.

Chloe: Thank you.

Hudson: For what?

Chloe: For being my friend.

Hudson: Of course, everything okay?

Chloe: Yes, I've just been thinking

Hudson: About what

Chloe: Call?

Hudson didn't reply he just dialled her number and waiting for her answer.

"Hi" Chloe said, her voice soft.

"Hi" Hudson replied smiling.

Neither of them had said anything else, until Chloe started laughing causing Hudson to laugh as well. God he loved talking to her.

They talked for hours on end that night. He got lost in her voice. They talked about everything and anything. From their favourite memories to their saddest movies. They talked for so long it became early hours in the morning.

Chloe could feel her tired eyes weigh down as she drifted to sleep. She didn't want to sleep, she wanted to stay awake and talk to Hudson.

Hudson was more sure than ever that he was going to ask out Chloe. At this point he was basically convinced that she was going to be his wife. But he didn't want to make promises, though he was sure he'd have no problem keeping it.

He sat there listening to Chloe's breath soften and slow down, he knew she was drifting off asleep. Part of him felt bad knowing she suffered through her sleep deprivation to talk to him, but he was glad she did. He had never had such a pleasant and illuminating conversation with anyone.

He finally confirmed she was asleep and decided to rest his eyes to the melodic sounds of her soft breath. Soon after he found himself drifting to a slumber, dreaming of her.

The two lay on call feeling like were in a permanent coma together, like together they were living their dream life through their dreams. Chloe dreamed of growing old with Hudson, the two elderly her reading a book and him the newspaper on a porch. Hudson dreamed of saving Chloe from everything.

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