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Here's a teaser.

Nico grew up living on a small farm in the country of Florin. His favorite pastimes were going out riding his horse and tormenting the farm boy that worked there. His name was Will, but Nico never called him that.

Nico had a bad habit of unintentionally hurting himself so while helping around the farm Will would also tend to Nico's injuries.

Nothing annoyed Nico more then Will ordering himaround.

"Why do I have to have a wrap on my arm?" Nico asked as Will tended to an injury he got from a bad fall

"Doctor's orders" Will said

"Your not a doctor farm boy." Nico said

A few weeks later Will walked inside with fire wood he had chopped and started to make a fire in the fireplace.

"Farm Boy. We need water, fill up these two buckets" Nico said setting the buckets next to him

"What are you doing?" Nico asked

"I'm making a fire, you need to stay warm" Will said with such sincerity that it made Nico's heart skip a beat

"A-And why do I need that?" Nico asked

"Doctors orders" Will said turning and giving him smile and it was at that moment that Nico stood there in amazement as he realized that everytime Will said Doctors orders what he was meaning was I love you.

But the thing that amazed him more was the day he realized he truly loved him back.

"Farm Boy?" Nico asked holding a cup.

When Will looked up from what he was doing Nico continued to speak

"Why do I need to drink so much water?" Nico asked.

Will got up and walked over to Nico and gently took the cup from him then filled it with water and as he handed it back he stood only inches away and gazed into his eyes.

"Doctors orders" Will said softly as he brushed a lock of Nico's hair back.

As the red glow of the sunset shined into the house Nico pressed his lips to Will's and they share a passionate kiss.

Will wanted to marry Nico but he had no money. So he packed up what he owned and got ready to head off to seek his fortune across the sea.

Nico couldn't help but fill emotional at this time

"I'm scared" Nico said quietly

"Why?" Will asked

"What if something happens to you and I never see you again?" Nico asked

"Don't worry, I'll come back for you" Will said

"How are you so sure and calm?" Nico asked

"Because, what we have is true love. Nothing can stop that" Will said as he caressed Nico's cheek.

Nico smiled then gave Will a kiss and held him close.

"Swear you'll come back?" Nico asked as he pulled away from the kiss.

"On the river styx" Will said

Will then grabbed his bag and walked away as Nico watched.

Sadly Will was never able to reach his destination as the ship he was traveling on was attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who never took captives and never left anyone alive. When Nico heard the new that Will had been murdered he locked himself in his room and didn't sleep or eat for day.

"I'll never lover anyone again" Nico said softly and quietly as tears ran down his face

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