I Know Who You Are

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Nico's Point

"I'm surprised they kidnapped you, don't you have any weapons?" The man in the mask asked as we ran

"Oh, I'm sorry" I started to say sarcastically before I remembered I did have a weapon. I had a weapon I could pull out of the shadows but I decided to keep quiet about that in case I needed to use it.

"I didn't think I needed any at the time" I said and the man in the mask gave me a weird look but said nothing. It was like he knew I was lying.

"Rest for a moment" The man is the mask said as he pushed me towards a large rock after we had been running for a good 20 minutes.

"Look if it's money you want you'll get it if you let me go" I said

"And what's your word worth? Funny that you think I'll believe you" The man said

"I was just trying to save you. No matter where you go the princess has the best tracker and he will find you" I said while thinking how unfortunate it was because that man had found me when I once tried to run away

"Aww" The man said in a mocking tone

"You think your love will send someone to save you?" The man asked

"Don't! Call her my love." I spat

"You don't love your fiancée?" The man asked

"I could never love her" I said

"Could never love anyone is what you mean." The man said make anger rise inside me.

"I could never love again! But I loved someone more then a person like you ever could!" I yelled and the man raised his hand like he was going to smack me but the he lowered it back down

"Think of that as a warning, but where I come from, people are punished for lying" The man said with anger before he pulled me back up and began to run again and after another 20 minutes he let go.

"Rest a moment" The man said

"You're the dread pirate Roberts, aren't you?" I asked

"What makes you think so?" The man asked

"Your cruelty and cold heart. I know you are so admit it" I said

"Very well, it is as you say. I am the dread pirate Roberts" Roberts said as he bowed

"How can I be of service?" Roberts asked

"You can die a slow and painful death then rut in the pits of Tartarus!" I spat

Tsk-tsk-tsk. Hardly something you ask of someonewho saved your life, Why are you loosing your venom on me?" Roberts asked

"You killed the man I loved" I said

"That's possible. I've killed a lot of people. Who was this man of your? A rich, ugly and stupid prince?" Roberts asked

"No, he was a farm hand. With eyes as blue as a summers day. He sailed away and I was told that your ship attacked and you never leave survivors" I said

"Of course not, if I leave one person alive then everyone will start to talk about how I've gone soft and then I have to work extra hard to keep my reputation" Roberts said in a mocking way

"Are you mocking my pain?!" I yelled

"Pain is a part of life. Anyone who tell you otherwise is trying to sell you something." Roberts said then he paused and looked me in the eyes

"I actually remember the man you speak of, this was about five years ago yes? Will it hurt if I talk about it?" Roberts asked

"Don't act like you suddenly care" I said looking away

"He died a man. If that makes you feel better. He didn't try to bribe me or blubber. All he did was say "Please....please let me live" it's the please that catches my memory. I asked what he had that was so important "True Love" he replied. And then he talked about a man with black hair and eyes who was kind, handsome and faithful." Roberts said simple

"You should thank me for killing him before he found out who you truly are" Roberts spat

"And who am I?!" I yelled

"A fraud! here he was talking about your faithfulness, but tell me how soon did you get engaged to your princess after he died?! Did you do so in that same hour or did wait a whole week out of respect for your dead lover?!" Roberts yelled.

"I died the day he did!" I yelled loudly.

"Oh, save your breath" Roberts said

"And why should I do anything you say?!" I spat before I made my sword appear and slashed at him and as I did he quickly moved an arm up to block the sword.

For a moment I felt satisfaction as I cut his arm and he staggered back then feel down a hill but as he yelled two word my satisfaction turn to pure horror

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