The Plan

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As the man passed out Frank made sure not to let him hit the ground and pick him up to carry him back to our boat and as he was starting to head back I saw Octavian over by the horse ripping something off of a piece of cloth.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"This is a crest from the country across the sea" Octavian said before he tucked the crest into the horses saddle and then smacked it to make it run off. He then walked with us back to the boat.

"Once they see the horse return rider less with that crest the Princess will think her love has been kidnapped and when they find his dead body she'll know for sure and start a war" Octavian said

"Whoa" Frank said as he set the man down on the deck of the boat.

"You said we were kidnapped him, you never mentioned killing him" Frank said

"This is to start a war, people die all the time in wars" Octavian said

"I don't want to kill someone who's innocent, it's not right" Frank said

"Neither is getting paid to help start a war" Octavian said

"I'm with Frank on this" I said

"The imp speaks. If it brothers you that much then I'll kill him. And remember both of you, you would be nothing with out me! You Frank you were a grown man with no money and you couldn't even care for your grandmother, and you Leo you were a homeless, friendless, orphan! so if you want to return to being the nameless loser you were then go right ahead!" Octavian yelled and I'm not going to lie and say his words didn't hurt.

"Octavian, he can be very mean" Frank said emphasizing mean. Although Frank and I didn't get along that well because he was scared of fire and I could light myself on fire I could tell he was trying to cheer me up.

"Mean....mean....ah" I said with a laugh

"He can be such a drama queen" I said emphasizing queen.

"I'm sure he means no harm" Frank said

"But he is so short on charm" I said

"You do good with rhymes" Frank said

"Sometimes" I said

"Will you two stop that!" Octavian yelled

"Hey, what would happen if there's a cliff ahead?" Frank asked

"We'd all be dead"

"No more rhymes now, I mean it!" Octavian yelled

I looked at Frank and smirked

"Anybody want a peanut?" I asked and Octavian screamed in frustration

We sailed all the way into the night before the man woke up.

"I see your up" Octavian said

"I'm awake, but I still sitting so I am not up" The man said sarcastically making Octavian mad.

"Perhaps I should have Frank knock you out again." Octavian said

"Are you trying to scare me?" The Man asked with a raised eyebrow

"If I wanted to scare you, you'd be begging for mercy right now" Octavian said with a smirk

"Whatever you want to say to make yourself feel better" The Man said and Octavian grabbed a knife from his waist and stabbed it right in between The Man's legs but he didn't even flinch and insisted looked past him and at me and Frank.

"Is he always this temperamental?" The Man asked and Frank nodded while I just laughed.

As conversation continued I looked behind us and saw a boat a little ways off.

"Just you wait! We'll be at our destination by dawn then you'll be sorry!" Octavian yelled

"Do you think someone could have followed us?" I asked

"Of course not" Octavian said so I decided to let it go but when an hour went by and the boat was still behind us I was should we were being followed

"Are you sure no one could have followed us?" I asked

"You do realize that the Princess has ways to find you, and once she dose all of you will hang" The Man said

"Here you are kidnapped by 3 men you don't know and your worrying about our necks?" Octavian asked

"I never said I was worried, in fact it might be fun to see someone finally shut you up" The Man said Octavian turned furious and was about to grab for his dagger again but I spoke up to stop him.

"I think we're being followed" I said

"Will you stop with that?! No one could possibly know that we kidnapped him yet" Octavian said

"Ok, I'll just ignore the boat behind us then" I said as I pointed toward the boat.

"What?" Octavian asked as he ran to the back of the boat to look.

"That's just a fisherman" Octavian said

"What's he fishing for? Flesh eating eels?" I asked

And as I did there was a large splash and we all looked back to see the man had jumped into the water

"Go after him!" Octavian yelled to Frank

Frank let out a sigh then jumped into the water

Neither of us really liked working with Octavian but we needed the money.

As the man began to swim off the sound of creatures shrieking filled the quiet of the night and the man stopped to look around

"Do you hear that your highness? That's the sound of the shrieking eels" Octavian said with a smile

"They get louder right before they eat, and they love the taste of men" Octavian said

The man looked around with fear and right as a gaint eel swam up and opened it's mouth to bite at him he screamed as he was pulled under. Seconds later a octopus tentacle placed him back on the boat before getting on the boat it's self and turning back into Frank.

"Think your brave do you?" Octavian asked as the man coughed up water.

"Compared to you" The Man said

"Tie him up, I'll take over steering" Octavian said with anger clear in is voice

I walked away from the helm and grabbed some rope then walked over towards the man

"Sorry I pulled you under, I was just trying to get you away from the eel" Frank said

"Not sure if I should thank you or not since you did kidnapped me" The Man said with a slight glare

"We're just doing what we were paid to do" I said as I tied his hands but even as I said it I realized I was having major second thoughts about staying on the job and I got the feeling Frank was as well

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